Guest lecturers and professors include Asia's most renowned actor Jackie Chan, “Michelangelo of Modern Times” fresco artist Rainer Maria Latzke, Beowulf and Spider-Man movie animator Sing-Chong Foo, Japanese manga master Makoto Ogino, the creator of the “Peacock King”, and renowned painters Carlos Morell Orlandis and Piers Maxwell Dudley-Bateman.
Shanghai | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Museum of Modern Art | Art Deco | Metropolitan Museum of Art | California Institute of Technology | Art Institute of Chicago | Institute for Advanced Study | San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | National Gallery of Art | Honolulu Museum of Art | American Institute of Architects | Whitney Museum of American Art | Georgia Institute of Technology | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | Shanghai Railway Bureau | Art Nouveau | Royal College of Art | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Walker Art Center | Rochester Institute of Technology | Franklin Institute | art | Royal Institute of Technology | Pasteur Institute | Institute of Contemporary Arts | Glasgow School of Art | Museum of Contemporary Art | California Institute of the Arts | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |