Nikhil Upreti got his first national award for best actor for his performance in Haami Teen Bhai.
He worked at Narayani kala mandir for many years, writing, directing and acting in many of his own plays.
Shiva | Vandana Shiva | Shiva Ayyadurai | Shiva Keshavan | Lady Shiva | Shiva Star | Swami Shankarananda (Shiva Yoga) | Shiva Sutras of Vasugupta | Shiva Rose | Shiva Kumar | Shiva Dhanush | Shiva amplifier chains showing spatial filter tubes (white) and Nd:glass amplifier structures (short blue tubes closest to camera). Portions of the 1982 Disney film ''Tron | Shiva Advaita | Shambo Shiva Shambo | Muktagachha Shiva temple |