
2 unusual facts about Sidonius Apollinaris

Council of the Seven Provinces

The historians Edward Gibbon and J. B. Bury believed that the acclamation took place at a regular meeting of the Concilium, but this has been rejected on the grounds that Avitus arrived in Arles at the wrong time of year for this, that the public meeting include representatives from outside the Seven Provinces and that Sidonius Apollinaris records that the meeting was arranged specifically to greet Avitus.

Sidonius Apollinaris

:For the Franco-Irish saint, see Sidonius of Saint-Saëns.

Decimus Rusticus

He then married Tullia of Lyon (b. say 410), daughter of Eucherius of Lyon and wife Gallia(?), and they were the parents of Aquilinus (ca 430 – ca 470), a nobleman at Lyon, schoolfellow and friend of Sidonius Apollinaris and the father of St. Viventiolus and his brother St. Rusticus, Archbishop of Lyon.

Magnus Felix Ennodius

He was one of four fifth to sixth-century Gallo-Roman aristocrats whose letters survive in quantity: the others are Sidonius Apollinaris, prefect of Rome in 468 and bishop of Clermont (died 485), Ruricius bishop of Limoges (died 507) and Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus, bishop of Vienne (died 518).

see also