
unusual facts about Siege of Plevna

St George the Conqueror Chapel Mausoleum

Built between 1903 and 1907 in the Neo-Byzantine style by the architect P. Koychev, whose project won a contest in 1903, it is dedicated to the Russian and Romanian soldiers who fell for the Liberation of Bulgaria during the Siege of Plevna of 1877.

Circassian diaspora

However, one of the last descendants of this family, Mihail Christodulo Cerchez, was a Romanian national hero in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 (Osman Paşa, the Turkish commander of the Pleven garrison, who was an Adyge himself, surrendered his sword to Cerchez at the end of the siege).

Eduard Totleben

The village of Totleben in Pordim municipality, Pleven Province, is named after Eduard Totleben, in honour of his decisive role in the Siege of Plevna of 1877.

see also

Skobelev Park

The Pleven Panorama, another landmark dedicated to the events of the Siege of Plevna, is located in Skobelev Park.