His play, Building Jerusalem, depicts a meeting between Karl Pearson, Augusta Stowe-Gullen, Adelaide Hoodless, and Silas Tertius Rand on New Year's Eve night just prior to the 20th century.
Ayn Rand | RAND Corporation | Rand McNally | Remington Rand | South African rand | Sally Rand | Rand School of Social Science | RAND | Objectivism (Ayn Rand) | Ingersoll Rand | Silas Deane | Rand Paul | Rand Miller | Rand Flem-Ath | Rand | West Rand District Municipality | West Rand | Taavi Rand | Silas Tertius Rand | Rand Corporation | Honeywell v. Sperry Rand | Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius | ''The Passion of Ayn Rand'' | Silas Sanderson | Silas Chatard | Rand Steiger | Paul Rand | Journals of Ayn Rand | Josh Rand | East Rand |