
unusual facts about Silene


The Psilon is best known as the official unit of measurement during the censusing of plants in the genus Silene (see Silene) in a metapopulation surrounding Mountain Lake Biological Station in Giles County, Virginia.

Coleophora galbulipennella

Silene nutans can sometimes be found in the UK National Vegetation Classification habitat communities: the very widespread MG1 (Arrhenatherum elatius grassland), and thus can be found where Arrhenatherum elatius, (also known as false oat grass), and/or Dactylis glomerata, (cocks foot), occurs.

Cucullia xeranthemi

The adults feed on the flower nectar of various flowers, including Silene, Carduus, Cirsium and Scabiosa species.

Gnophos furvata

Adults have been recorded feeding on the nectar of Eupatorium cannabinum, Lychnis and Silene species.

Van herbed cheese

Twenty-five types of herb, including Allium, Thymus, Silene and Ferula species which are most popular, are used individually or as appropriate mixtures.

see also