From its source at an elevation of 2005 m in Swiss territory near the Simplon Pass it flows through the hamlet Egga to the village of Simplon.
Live footage from Willem II, The Netherlands in 1993 on November 3, the picture gallery and the live song Sear Me done in Simplon 1992 do not appear on the video version due to time constriaints of the old VHS format.
They include A Voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar, with 30 coloured plates, published in 1815; Swiss Scenery, with 62 plates, in 1820; The Route of the Simplon, in 1822; The Valley of Aosta, in 1823 and Pompeii Illustrated, in folio, in 1827.
From the 14th century to the late 19th century, Ornavasso and its frazione of Migiandone were a language island of Walser German, due to the presence of immigrates from the Simplon area.
Simplon Pass | Simplon | Simplon railway | Jura–Simplon Railway | Class 67, no. 67006 "Royal Sovereign" hauling the Venice-Simplon Orient Express |
The construction of the new road over the Simplon Pass in 1801-05, the expansion of the old road between 1949–60 and the construction of a national highway starting in 1960, have allowed increasing traffic through Brig. In 1890-1905 stagecoaches transported 152,816 persons to Domodossola over the pass.
In the 1957 novel From Russia, with Love by Ian Fleming, protagonist James Bond fights his enemy, SMERSH-agent Donovan Grant, eventually killing him, while passing through the Simplon Tunnel by Orient Express.
There is a car-carrying shuttle between Brig and Iselle di Trasquera which provides a 20 minute train journey as an alternative to driving over the Simplon Pass.
In 1915, nine years after the opening of the Simplon Tunnel, the direct Frasne–Lausanne line, including the Vallorbe railway station, was opened in conjunction with the piercing of the Mont d'Or.