
unusual facts about Singer Sewing Machines

San Francisco Mechanics' Institute

Awards were presented to winning exhibitors—many of whom are still in business, including Levi Strauss, Singer Sewing Machines, Goodyear Tire, Boudin Bakery, Heald Business College, Gump's, and Ghirardelli Chocolate.

Thomas Welton Stanford

In Australia, he became a distributor for Singer sewing machines and rang up record sales, using innovative sales techniques such as time payment.

see also

Red Clydeside

The 11,000 workers at the largest factory of Singer sewing machines factory, in Clydebank, went on strike in March–April 1911, ceasing to work in solidarity of 12 female colleagues protesting against work process reorganisation.


During his tenure as sub-district head, Cokrosunaryo had not accumulated much wealth, and in Cilacap he became a distributor of Singer sewing machines.