
2 unusual facts about Siraya


Ali-zu is an assimilated Siraya deity that is worshipped by former plains people in southern Taiwan.

History of Kaohsiung

Prior to the 17th century, the region was inhabited by the Makatau clan of the Siraya aboriginal tribe, who settled on what they named Ta-kau Isle (translated to 打狗嶼 by Ming Chinese explorers); "Takau" meaning "bamboo forest" in the aboriginal language.


Siraya | Siraya people |

Matrilocal residence

Examples of matrilocal societies include the people of Ngazidja, the Ancient Pueblo Peoples of Chaco Canyon, the Nair community in Kerala in South India, the Moso of Yunnan and Sichuan in southwestern China, the Siraya of Taiwan, and the Minangkabau of western Sumatra.

Pingpu peoples

(8) Siraya: Originally settled in Tainan County and City, Kaohsiung County and City and Pingtung County.

Siraya people

A number of families in the Tso-chen, Kou-pei and Chiou-chen-lin of Sinhua Township in particular still identify themselves as Siraya.

see also