The film is set in a small industrial town in the Swedish province of Värmland, where a young man returns from the big city to investigate the sudden disappearance of his sister.
Memphis Slim | William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim | Slim Dusty | Susie Ibarra | Slim Thug | Carlos Slim | William Slim | Susie O'Neill | Slim Jim Phantom | Susie Dent | Slim Pickens | Amarillo Slim | The Slim Shady LP | Susie Wall | Susie Tompkins Buell | Susie Nash | Susie Laska | Susie Essman | Susie Arioli | Slim Whitman | Slim Harpo | Slim Fast | Slim | Pittsburgh Slim | Battle of Slim River | The Susie | T-Bone Slim | Susie Suh | Susie Snowflake | Susie Morgan |