
2 unusual facts about Small molecule

Non-coding RNA

For example, a riboswitch can directly bind a small target molecule, the binding of the target affects the gene's activity.


Small molecules can also undergo prenylation, such as in the case of prenylflavonoids.


Sitaxentan is a small molecule that blocks the action of endothelin (ET) on the endothelin-A (ETA) receptor selectively (by a factor of 6000 compared to the ETB).

Strictly standardized mean difference

For hit selection, the size of effects of a compound (i.e., a small molecule or an siRNA) is represented by the magnitude of difference between the compound and a negative reference.

see also

Autocrine signalling

For example, a small-molecule mimetic of Smac/Diablo that counteracts the inhibition of apoptosis has been shown to enhance apoptosis caused by chemotherapeutic drugs through autocrine-secreted tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα).

Cambrex Corporation

In 2007, Cambrex divested their biologics business to Lonza to focus on small molecule APIs.

CCR5 receptor antagonist

Researchers at Ono have discovered a novel series of potent CCR5 small molecule antagonists.


Dithiothreitol, the common name for a small-molecule redox reagent known as Cleland's reagent


Reversine, or 2-(4-morpholinoanilino)-6-cyclohexylaminopurine, is a small molecule developed by the group of Peter G. Schultz, used for stem cell dedifferentiation.


Volasertib (also known as BI 6727) is a small molecule inhibitor of the PLK1 (polo-like kinase 1) protein being developed by Boehringer Ingelheim for use as an anti-cancer agent.

Yousef Al-Abed

Dr. Al-Abed's chief scientific contributions come in the field of Macrophage migration inhibitory factor as a prime candidate for small molecule drug targeting.