
3 unusual facts about Société Franco-Belge

Société Franco-Belge

ANF Industrie, as of 2012 owned by Bombardier Inc., located nearby in Crespin, Arrondissement of Valenciennes, in the north of France

In 1882 a new factory was established in Raismes in the north of France, allowing the company to circumvent protectionism in the French market; initially the factory at Raismes in France assembled machines using components manufactured across the border in Belgium.

The company originated in 1959 as the Belgian firm Compagnie Belge pour la Construction de Machines et de Matériels de Chemins de Fer founded by Charles Evrard; the company expanded its share capital in 1881 forming a new firm Société Anonyme Franco-Belge pour la Construction de Machines et de Matériel de Chemins de Fer and constructed a factory in Raismes (Valenciennes) in the Département Nord in France.

Albert Frère

He actively promoted international consolidation of the sectors in which he was involved, selling Banque Bruxelles Lambert to ING Group, Royale Belge to Axa, Tractebel to Suez, Petrofina to Total S.A., and RTL to Bertelsmann.

ANF Industrie

Société Franco-Belge, rolling stock manufacture, now part of Alstom with factory located at Raismes, Valenciennes, France

Ayşe Nur Zarakolu

Some specific publications by Belge in Turkey that were subjects of controversy include the poems of Mehdi Zana, Les Arméniens: histoire d'un génocide (The Armenians: history of a genocide) by Yves Ternon, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel, several books by İsmail Beşikçi, and the essays of Lissy Schmidt, a German journalist who had died while covering conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan.

She was co-founder, with her husband Ragıp Zarakolu, of notable Turkish publishing house Belge and in the 1980s became the director of book-distribution company Cemmay, the first woman in the nation to hold such a position.


RTBF, in the C'est du Belge broadcast of 18 September 2009 (BelMal collection and restoration special, featured on the occasion of the opening of the new Liège Guillemins railway station).

Charles Mackay

In 1830 he was engaged as a private secretary to William Cockerill, the ironmaster, near Liège, began writing in French in the Courrier Belge, and sent English poems to a local newspaper called The Telegraph.

Henri Schouteden

1934 with Gaston-François de Witte Batraciens récoltés au Congo Belge par le Dr. H. Schouteden.

History of Freemasonry in Belgium

Présidé par le prix Nobel de la paix, Henri Lafontaine, membre de la loge les "Amis Philanthropes" et professeur à l'Université libre de Bruxelles (l'Université nouvelle), la Ligue belge des Droits des femmes invite Maria Deraismes à Bruxelles.

John Skinner Wilson

J. S. Wilson (1888–1969), Colonel John Skinner "Belge" Wilson, Scottish Scouting luminary and friend of General Baden-Powell

Le drapeau belge

”Le drapeau belge” ("The Belgian Flag") is a recitation with orchestral accompaniment written by the English composer Edward Elgar as his Op. 79, in 1917.

Narindar Saroop

Later directorships and advisory positions were with Oxfam Relief Project (1964), Devi Grays Insurance Ltd (1981-84), Capital Plant International Ltd (1982-86), Develt, Clarkson Puckle Group (1976-87), Banque Belge (1987-91), Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund (1992-95), National Grid plc (1993), Coutts & Co. (1995-98) and the BBC Advisory Council on Asian Programmes (1977-81).

National Institute for Agronomy in Belgian Congo

The National Institute for Agronomy in Belgian Congo (in French Institut National pour l'Etude Agronomique du Congo Belge or INÉAC) was a research facility established in Yangambi in the Belgian Congo, operating from the 1930s until the country gained independence in 1962.

Queensland Beyer-Garratt class

Owing to the number of orders they had on hand, Beyer Peacock (BP) subcontracted Societe Franco Belge de Materiel du Chemins de fer, Raismes, France (SFB) to build the remaining twenty.

Roland Lethem

Le Cinéma, Art Subversif (Buchet—Chastel)— Éloge du Cinéma Expérimental, Dominique Noguez (Beaubourg) — Le Masochisme au Cinéma, Jean Streff (Veyrier) — Le Sexe à l'Ecran, Gérard Lenne (Veyrier) — Dracula, les Vampires au Cinéma, Barrie Pattisson (Minoustch) — Histoire authentique, anecdotique, folklorique et critique du Cinéma Belge depuis ses plus lointaines origines, Francis Bolen (Mémo et Codec)

see also