Social Democratic Party of Germany | Russian Academy of Sciences | Social Democratic Party | National Academy of Sciences | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences | social media | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | The Social Network | Polish Academy of Sciences | Social Democrats | New York Academy of Sciences | Social Security Administration | French Academy of Sciences | Academy of Sciences | Social Democratic Party (UK) | Sciences Po | social democracy | Swedish Social Democratic Party | Social Distortion | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | Social Democrat Radical Party | social | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences | Computer Sciences Corporation | Catholic social teaching | Social democracy | Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences is a state-accredited private university in Alfter (near Bonn), Germany, providing education in the arts and social sciences up to doctorate level.
After finishing the HBS, Peper studied social sciences at the University of Amsterdam until 1965 and economy and sociology at the University of Oslo (1963/1964) and got his PhD at the Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool (Currently Erasmus University) in 1972.
In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon model where you have a common lower and higher academic degree for all subjects (Bachelor degree and Master's degree, respectively), in the German model the degrees are Diplom for the more practical subjects such as i.e. engineering, but also economics and business and (in Germany and Austria) the Magister Artium for the more theoretical subjects, such as social sciences or humanities.
Following his terms in the Bundestag, Stratmann-Mertens returned to his teaching position at the Albert-Einstein-Schule, a German-English bilingual gymnasium in Bochum, Germany, where he taught social sciences, history and religion (Protestant).
Poon joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in August 2005 and was promoted in 2006 to the post as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences.
Nowadays, the Latin-American Bibliography is composed by the following databases: CLASE (Latin-American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities); PERIODICA (Index of Latin-American Journals in Science); Latindex (Regional Co-operative Information System for Scholarly Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal).
He was one of the first to use the term "library science" (along with S. R. Ranganathan), by which he meant the scientific study of books and users, and was a leader in the new social-scientific approach to the field in the 1930s and 1940s.
The groundbreaking seminar attempted to expose business academics and practitioners to current research and knowledge in the social sciences and saw two talks by (Lord) Anthony Giddens and Richard Sennett.
In addition to her solid background in social sciences she has also worked as a science editor for the Interscience Division of John Wiley, the American Institute of Physics, and the American Museum of Natural History, and as an English editor for the United Nations in Vienna, where she resided for many years.
Recently he was awarded the Doctor in Social and economic science at the Faculty of Political science and Social sciences of the University of Innsbruck.
The university offers Master’s programs in six areas: Informatics and Systems Modeling; Sciences and techniques of matter and energy; Space sciences; Life and health sciences; Social Sciences and Humanities; Management.
He was a university professor for four decades, a 3- times Dean of the faculty of letters and social sciences at the University of Cameroon (a.k.a. Yaounde University).
It is awarded annually, in rotation, to one of the major knowledge areas: Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, Earth and Engineering, and Humanities and Social Sciences, or Arts and Letters.
To be admitted for enrollment, the applicant must be a holder of a four-year undergraduate degree (i.e. Bachelor of Science or any equivalent degree) and must have earned at least twelve units in English, six units in Filipino, six units in Mathematics and eighteen units in the Social Sciences, such as History, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, etc.
Social studies is the "integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence," as defined by the U.S. American National Council for the Social Studies.
The University of Copenhagen Faculty of Social Sciences is divided into five departments, where research and teaching are carried out in the fields of Economics, Political Science, International Politics, Management, Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology.
It has seven faculties: Agriculture, Engineering, Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Management and Finance, Medicine, and Science.
honoris causa—an honorary doctorate—by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg in Lüneburg, Germany.
Between 1977 and 1984 he was rector of the Minor Seminary of St. Paul at Djimi, Abomey, Missionary Professor at the University of West Africa in Abidjan and professor of methodology of research in human and social sciences at the University of the State of Abomey-Calavi and at the Major Seminary of Saint Gall in Ouidah, Benin.
Calhoun, Craig (ed), Dictionary of the Social Sciences Oxford University Press (2002)
From 1951 to 1955, he was a research associate for the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Birmingham.
In the 1960s he studied languages and social sciences in the University of Helsinki.
The Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) is a self-funding autonomous research centre based within the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University in the market town of Loughborough, Leicestershire, in the East Midlands, England.
Friedrich Kratochwil: Constructivism: what it is (not) and how it matters, in Donattela Della Porta & Michael Keating (eds.) 2008, Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 80-98.
Together with Cathy Davidson of Duke University, Goldberg founded the Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Advanced Collaboratory (HASTAC) to advance partnerships between the human sciences, arts, social sciences and technology and supercomputing interests for advancing research, teaching and public outreach.
In 2013, he will follow Joan Wallach Scott as the Harold F Linder Professor in the School of Social Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study.
He is Master in social sciences and he was a professor and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires.
From 1991 to 2000 von Prondzynski was Professor of Law in the University of Hull; for much of that time he was also a Dean – first of the School of Law, and latterly of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Jackson was awarded the Order of Australia in 2006 for service to philosophy and social sciences as an academic, administrator, and researcher.
Chong attended CHIJ Katong Convent and Victoria Junior College, and graduated summa cum laude from Boston University with a Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Journalism and holds a Masters of Social Sciences (International Studies) from the National University of Singapore.
Government Degree College Attock is a college for women in Attock, Punjab province of Pakistan that offers degree programs in Sciences, Social Sciences, Business and more.
In 1972, he graduated at the Ecole pratique des hautes études of the Sorbonne (Paris, France), in economic and social sciences.
Prof David Newman, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Ben-Gurion University in Israel.
He differentiated between both phenomena as follows: The term historicism is used in his influential books The Poverty of Historicism and The Open Society and Its Enemies to describe “an approach to the social sciences which assumes that historical prediction is their primary aim, and which assumes that this aim is attainable by discovering the 'rhythms' or the 'patterns', the 'laws' or the 'trends' that underlie the evolution of history”.
Seeded by a research grant in 1964 from the U.S. Department of Education to the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, the IBM 1500 CAI system was initially prototyped at the Brentwood Elementary School (Ravenswood City School District) in East Palo Alto, California by Dr. Patrick Suppes of Stanford University.
People-environment studies, originating from environmental psychology (Lewin, Barker, Brunswik), have always tried to close the “mind gaps” between natural sciences, engineering, arts, and social sciences by an epistemological approach that encompasses denotations (objects and techniques) as well as connotations (subjective social, cultural meanings).
She took over from Graham Upton in September 2007, having previously been Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University.
In 1990, Jon Altman established the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) at the Australian National University as a multidisciplinary centre to enhance Australia’s capacity to undertake social sciences research about the economic situation of Indigenous people.
Professor Chan is a Board member of HKU of the Social Sciences Faculty and an adjunct research fellow of the E-Business Technology Institute.Professor was also on the board of the Asian American Journalists Association.
#Luce Irigaray's Choreography with Sex and Race By: Mori, Kaori; Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 2002 July; 63 (1): 189.
She obtained her degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1949), Diploma of Graduate Studies in sociology, anthropology and politics from the University of São Paulo (1951) and a doctorate degree in Sociology from the École pratique des hautes études Section VI (1959).
After graduating in sociology at the University of Trento, Italy, he pursued his studies in the United Kingdom at Sussex University and in the United States at University of Wisconsin and University of California Berkeley, receiving a doctorate in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute.
The UMH offers Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s and PhD programs adapted to the European Higher Education Area in the fields of the arts, experimental and technical sciences, engineering, and health and social sciences at its four university campuses (Elche -main administration offices-, Altea, Orihuela and Sant Joan d'Alacant).
The University College of Arts and Social Sciences has an architectural heritage structure similar to College of Sultan Hassan in Cairo, Egypt.
Mattei Dogan, a French sociologist, in his article "Paradigms in the Social Sciences," develops Kuhn's original thesis that there are no paradigms at all in the social sciences since the concepts are polysemic, the deliberate mutual ignorance between scholars and the proliferation of schools in these disciplines.
Headquartered in the historic École de Chirurgie in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, the university strongly focus on medical sciences (medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy, psychology), biomedical sciences (cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, biomedical physic), social sciences (sociology, anthropology, linguistics, demographics, science of education), mathematics, computer science and law.
Professional Master's in Social Sciences and Humanities, abbreviated PMA, is an initiative by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and support from the Ford Foundation to create master's programs in social sciences and humanities that better prepare graduates for professional careers in business, government, and nonprofit sectors.
Mileišytė is a member of the swimming team for the Washington State Cougars, and a graduate of social sciences at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington.
Salto del Guairá has three schools and fourteen associated primary schools for basic education, six schools of secondary level, a Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and one of Economics, a subsidiary of the National University of Ciudad del Este.
In 1961, he went to Rome to study and obtained a doctorate in social sciences at Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum and a doctorate in canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
At the break of World War II he made his way to Paris, where he studied social sciences and history at the University of Paris, and from there to the United States, where he was active in creating committees of support for the Irgun and edited the English language weekly Answer for the “Hebrew Committee for the Liberation of the Nation”.
In April 1997, SPH appointed Dr. Robert Chung (鍾庭耀博士) of the Social Sciences Research Centre of The University of Hong Kong (香港大學社會科學研究中心) to conduct an opinion survey on harbour reclamation.
He has a social sciences degree from the Open University, for which he studied whilst playing for the Newcastle reserve team.
He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, a Master of Theology in Hebrew and Greek from Capital Bible Seminary near Washington, D.C., and undergraduate degrees in social sciences from Spring Arbor University and Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, in Swedish Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Swedish foundation which awards grants to individuals and research groups for research projects in science, the humanities, social sciences, medical research, technology, and law.
In 1991 he was both a Visiting Fellow at The Research School of Social Sciences of the Australian National University and also at the Centre for Asian and Pacific Studies, Seikei University, Tokyo.
Ming-sum Tsui is a professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
It currently publishes 58 titles in a wide range of academic disciplines including the social sciences, the humanities, education, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.
Theo Van Leeuwen, dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney
Fox is a graduate of Arlington High School in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Golden West College in Huntington Beach, California with an Associate Art degree in Social Sciences.
Wouter de Nooy, Andrej Mrvar, Vladimir Batagelj, Mark Granovetter (Series Editor), Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences), Cambridge University Press 2005 (ISBN 0-521-60262-9).
Luce Irigaray's Choreography with Sex and Race By: Mori, Kaori; Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 2002 July; 63 (1): 189.
She is presently working as ‘Writer in Residence’ in the Social Sciences Department at Lahore University of Management Sciences.
He graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, receiving a B.A. of Advertising from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
In 1994, Zheng was selected as an arbitrator of the Arbitration Center of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and became the Director of the Intellectual Property Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.