
unusual facts about civics

China Internet Project

Together with an interdisciplinary class and online knowledge base on Participatory Media, research projects on information and communication technology and human rights, BCIP aims to provide both a new lens on the complex and rapidly changing society and a locus of influence on events: enhancements of the effectiveness and civic impact of participatory media could accelerate the growth of citizen-engaged civil society and a rich and informed public sphere.


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Action civics

Some scholars, such as Chester Finn of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, argue that Action Civics aims “to turn children into activists” and inappropriately promotes a “communitarian view that issues facing society are best dealt with through group action, by people joining hands and working together rather than through the political process.”

David M. Hall

This recognition was awarded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and PennCORD, a civics education program championed by federal judge and Pennsylvania First Lady Marjorie Rendell.

Filament Games

The company received national recognition for their series of civics games launched by Sandra Day O'Connor for iCivics, her civics-education initiative.

Henry Randall Waite

He was president of the Political Science Association of New York 1876-77, special officer of the United States census 1880-83, editor of the Boston Citizen 1885-86, then editor of Civics in New York City.

Rise of Rome

Edward Gibbon noted that the Roman dictatorship was all the more difficult to baer due to the prior understanding and experience of political freedom - even under such late figures as Commodus, they were so famous for instance, a typical Roman magistrate or professional would be fully educated in all of the civics, ethics and morality that he saw violated all day every day around him, knowing himself to be in grave risk of his life if he raised this as an issue in public.

Social studies

Social studies is the "integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence," as defined by the U.S. American National Council for the Social Studies.

Sophonisba Breckinridge

Breckinridge worked with Vassar College graduate and social reformer Julia Lathrop, social gospel minister Graham Taylor (founder of the settlement house, Chicago Commons) and others to create the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, becoming its first (and only) dean.

Steve De Jarnatt

His father, Arlie De Jarnatt, was a teacher and public representative who taught history and civics at Monticello Middle School and later R.A. Long High School, as well as serving five terms as a Democratic Party member of the Washington House of Representatives and six years as a state senator.

W. Fox McKeithen

After graduating from Louisiana Tech, McKeithen returned to Caldwell Parish High School, located off U.S. Route 165, as a civics teacher and coach.

see also