
unusual facts about Social justice

Women Environmental Artists Directory

The Women Environmental Artists Directory (WEAD) focuses on promoting environmental and Social justice art.

A Catholic Statement on Pluralism and Abortion

Several nuns were given a platform to air their views including activist nuns such as Marjorie Tuite, Margaret Traxler, and six nuns of the order Sisters of Loretto, an order known for its work on pacifism and social justice.

Church Action on Poverty

Church Action on Poverty is a UK-based national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the United Kingdom.

George Cadle Price

George Price completed his education at St. John's College High School While there he was exposed to the teachings of Catholic social justice, in particular the encyclical Rerum Novarum.

John Mercer-Henderson, 8th Earl of Buckinghamshire

He was a dedicated campaigner on juvenile issues and social justice for the lower classes.

Luigi Taparelli

Luigi Taparelli D’Azeglio (1793–1862) was an Italian Catholic scholar of the Society of Jesus who coined the term social justice.

Mesoamerican Society for Ecological Economics

Very influential speakers such as Fander Falconí; David Barkin; Mario Pérez, and Carlos Muñóz Piña lectured about and discussed the Ecological economics platform for the advancement of social justice, environmental justice, and the principles of sustainability.


It is based on the Hebrew word (צדק, Tzedek) meaning righteousness, fairness or justice, and it is related to the Hebrew word Tzadik meaning righteous as an adjective (or righteous individual as a noun in the form of a substantive).

see also

Antioch University New England

Antioch University New England's Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability concentration was recognized by MoveOn.org's Executive Director, Eli Pariser, as a model program for working positively to promote and protect the environment.

Arthur Wragg

In the 1920s he contributed mostly to various women's illustrated magazines, but later branched out into book-jackets and work for left-wing newspapers such as The Tribune and Peace News (including cartoons) and illustrations for books and pamphlets about Christian socialism, pacifism and social justice.

Artists for Peace and Justice

Artists for Peace and Justice is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Paul Haggis that encourages peace and social justice and addresses issues of poverty and enfranchisement in communities around the world.

Bjørn Sletto

As part of the Institute of Latin American Studies’ (LLILAS) Research Initiative in Participatory Mapping, he works closely with partner institutions in South America to further international scholarship on representational politics and social justice in vulnerable communities.

Black Autonomy Network Community Organization

The Black Autonomy Network Community Organization (BANCO) is a political and social justice coalition working in Benton Harbor, Michigan, US.

Cabramatta High School

The school's successful annual Peace Day celebrations continued to deliver warm welcomes to recipients of the Sydney Peace Prize, including Indian social justice and environmental activist, eco-feminist and author Vandana Shiva in 2010, American linguist and activist Noam Chomsky in 2011, as well as Zimbabwean senator Sekai Holland in 2012.

Caedmon's Call

In addition to broader Christian themes, Share the Well tackles a variety of social-justice issues, such as hunger and the Dalit's battle for freedom in India.

Caroline Chisholm College

The students are particularly involved in social justice, raising money for various organizations such as Amnesty International, the St. Vincent de Paul Society and World Vision.

Casi Justicia Social

Casi Justicia Social (Almost Social Justice) or CJS (according to its initials) are an Argentine rock band formed on November 2010, when Patricio Santos Fontanet change the name of Callejeros, after his official separation on November 12.

Chris Puplick

He was appointed a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in 2001, for contributions to Australian politics and public policy, particularly in relation to human rights and social justice.

Christian views on poverty and wealth

Social justice as a secular concept, distinct from religious teachings, emerged mainly in the late twentieth century, influenced primarily by philosopher John Rawls.

Clarence Benjamin Jones

In summing up his sentiments on King’s life, Jones remarked in a 2007 interview: “Except for Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, Martin Luther King, Jr., in 12 years and 4 months from 1956 to 1968, did more to achieve political, economic, and social justice in America than any other event or person in the previous 400 years” (Jones, 18 May 2007).

Elijah Parish Lovejoy

The family continues to be active in social justice issues, especially modern abolition: Martha Lovejoy is a supervisor in the U.S. State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, which coordinates the United States Government's efforts to combat modern forms of slavery.

Environmental Health Coalition

The Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), is dedicated to accomplishing environmental and social justice in neighborhood, such as National City and Barrio Logan.

Facundo Cabral

Bolivian Minister of Culture Elizabeth Salguero said Cabral's death saddened her because "you can not understand that there are people who want to do much damage to a man who gave so much as a singer, composer, and poet." "He was a philosopher, a fighter for social justice, and to die that way is very painful."

Govind Talwalkar

He received the Lokmanya Tilak Award from the Government of Maharashtra, India and also the B. D. Goenka Award and Durga Ratan Award for excellence in journalism, and Ramshastri award for social justice.

Haidar Abdel-Shafi

He co-founded the Palestinian National Initiative in 2002 along with Edward Said, Mustafa Barghouti and Ibrahim Dakkak as a national platform for combining the struggle for national liberation and the return of refugees with the values of national unity, democracy and social justice.

Hong Kong Canadian

Mary-Woo Sims - social justice activist, former Chief Commissioner of the British Columbia Human Rights Commission


Jaggi Singh (born 1971), one of Canada's most high-profile anti-globalization and social justice activists

John W. Hennessey Jr

In February 2006, he married Madeleine May Kunin, former Governor of Vermont, Ambassador to Switzerland, professor and public commentator on issues of social justice and the environment.

Jolie Christine Rickman

During her stint at UIUC, Rickman took part in many politically progressive efforts, including the movement that launched the University YMCA’s Alternative Spring Break program, which, to this day, continues to connect young people with important nation-wide social justice issues.

Kate Clinton

Clinton works extensively with social justice and nonprofit organizations, and has been a regular MC at major fundraising events and dinners for groups like the NYC LGBT Center (at its Annual Garden Party); the National Center for Lesbian Rights; the ACLU; Out & Equal, among others.

Kathleen Deignan

As a member of the Congregation of Notre Dame, founded by Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, she is also engaged in the mission of liberating education, which at times is expressed in peace and social justice concerns, and also spiritual animation.

Naomi Rankin

She is a social justice activist and sings in a social justice choir called "Notre Dame des Bananes", as well as the Richard Eaton Singers.

Quixote Center

The Quixote Center is a social justice group in Maryland founded by Catholic priest William R. Callahan in 1972.


First started as a news magazine in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Centre for Social Justice, rabble has expanded beyond the realm of the written word and now includes podcasts as well as branching out to video in 2008 with the creation of rabbletv.

Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Mordechai Liebling, Director, RRC's Social Justice Organizing Program, former director Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, former director, Torah of Money at Jewish Funds for Justice

Santé engagé

The Club later gave way to the creation of the Mauritian Militant Movement (in 1969) lauding national unity and social justice, inspired from the Libertarian Marxism movement.

She Taxi

The establishment of the fleet was initiated by Gender Park, an autonomous institution promoted by the Department of Social Justice, Government of Kerala State, India.

Shine Lawyers

In July 2012, Dan Mori joined Shine’s national social justice team based in Melbourne, Victoria.

Syed Hussein Alatas

Gerakan was successful in the 1969 general election, where it campaigned on a platform of social justice and the reduction or elimination of Bumiputra privileges outlined by Article 153 of the Constitution.

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign

The Campaign also helped other US candidates in the elections, who were standing on social justice tickets, including that of US soldier and anti-war campaigner Michael Prysner.

William Phipps

Bill Phipps (born 1942), Canadian church leader and social justice activist