
unusual facts about Socialist International

Fernando Martín García

He has defended his position in international forums like the United Nations, the Permanent Conference of Political Parties for Latin America, the Latin American Association of Human Rights, and the Socialist International.

Ed Broadbent

On the international front, while Willy Brandt was President of the Socialist International, Broadbent served as a Vice-President from 1979 to 1989.

Lydie Schmit

She entered the Chamber of Deputies in 1979, but only served for a year before leaving the office to work for the Socialist International, of which she was Vice-President, as well as President of the Socialist International Women.

see also

Politics of the Dominican Republic

The leading parties in 1994 were the PRSC, linked to the International Christian Democratic political movement, whose candidate was President Joaquín Balaguer; the PRD, affiliated with the Socialist International, whose candidate was José Francisco Peña Gómez; and the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), whose candidate was former President Juan Bosch.

The Proud Tower

Other chapters cover the United States (particularly the efforts of Thomas Reed, Speaker of the House, to overcome the tyranny of the absent quorum), the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and the activities of the Socialist International and trade unions.