
unusual facts about Somoza

Arthur Bliss Lane

While working here he met with General Somoza while the President of Nicaragua Sacasa held discussions with rebel leader Augusto César Sandino.

Edén Pastora

After negotiating a USD $500,000 deal with Somoza and Cardinal Miguel Obando, Pastora, Ortega and other released prisoners left for Cuba, where he claimed to have been a "prisoner" lavished with women and luxury, but not allowed to leave the country until Martín Torrijos, the son of then Panamanian strongman Omar Torrijos and Pastora's personal friend, voiced his concern and went to Cuba to rescue him personally.

Fernando Chamorro

Fernando "El Negro" Chamorro, Nicaraguan rebel fighting both the Somoza and Sandinista regimes

Lorenzo Guerrero

Lorenzo Guerrero Gutiérrez (13 Nov. 1900 in Granada – 15 April 1981) was a Nicaraguan politician and a close associate of Somoza family.

Mission muralismo

Roberto Vargas, a famed literary figure in the Nicaraguan community, critically stated, “we came in the human wave fleeing the brutality of the Somoza regime”—the human wave being the vast migration of Nicaraguan refugees.

Operation Charly

In 1977 at a meeting of the Conference of American Armies (CAA) held in the Nicaraguan capital city of Managua, junta members Gen. Roberto Viola and Admiral Emilio Massera secretly pledged unconditional support of Somoza regime in its fight against left-wing subversion and agreed to send advisors and material support to Nicaragua to assist President Somoza's National Guard.

Pedro Joaquín

Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal, martyred Somoza opponent and grandson of the president.

Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal

Speaking about her husband to the participants of the 1998 IPI World Congress in Moscow, Violeta said: “During his whole life, Pedro Joaquín Chamorro was a tireless fighter for democracy in Nicaragua and against the dictatorship of Somoza. This cost him incarceration, torture, exile and finally death. He was warned many times that plans existed to assassinate him, yet no threat detained him from fulfilling his mission to impart the truth and preach democracy.”

see also