
3 unusual facts about Sonnets to Orpheus

Baladine Klossowska

During this time, Rilke had written in what he called "a savage creative storm" his two most important collections of poetry, the Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus, both published in 1923.

Marie Luise Neunecker

Volker David Kirchner dedicated his Orfeo for baritone, horn and piano on poems from Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus to her, premiered on 6 May 1988 in Karlsruhe with Hermann Becht and Nina Tichman.

Orpheus und Eurydike

Kokoschka began writing his play during his convalescence (from wounds received on the Ukrainian front in 1915) and it premiered in 1921, one year before Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus appeared.

see also