
unusual facts about Sono


South Norwalk or "SoNo", a neighborhood in Norwalk, Connecticut

Antonella Ruggiero

Pop hits from the band included: “Ma perché”, “Solo tu”, “Per un’ora d’amore”, “Stasera che sera”, “Cavallo bianco”, “Il video sono io”, “Mister Mandarino”, “Ti Sento” and “Vacanze romane”.


His memory is also reported on the present (but composed in 1848) Italian National anthem, "Il Canto degli Italiani", popularly known as "Fratelli d'Italia" (Brothers of Italy): "I bimbi d'Italia / si chiaman Balilla / il suon d'ogni squilla / i vespri sonò".

Blood Libels

Track 8.2, the outro of the album at the end of track 8, consists of a cover of "Sono L'Antechristo" by Diamanda Galás, and is cross-faded in from "Blood Libels" from 6:18 on.

Con la musica alla radio

This song is one of the three previously unreleased tracks available on the album, alongside with "Non sono lei" (another studio track) and "Casomai" (performed live during a sound check for a concert in São Paulo, Brazil).

Del mio meglio

The songs "Io vivrò (senza te)", "Se stasera sono qui", "Vedrai vedrai" and "Yesterday" were all recorded in 1970 during a concert at Radiotelevisione svizzera and were previously unreleased on album (as well as Mina's new hit "Io e te da soli").

Ficarra e Picone

In 2000 Ficarra e Picone made their film debut with Chiedimi se sono felice, by Aldo, Giovanni & Giacomo and two years later they made the first film as main actors, Nati stanchi.

Michele Serra

I bambini sono di sinistra (with Claudio Bisio, Giorgio Terruzzi, Giorgio Gallione and Gigio Alberti (2005)

Sono Luminus

Sono Luminus is an American record label located in Boyce, Virginia specializing in ultra-high resolution recordings of acoustic music, focusing primarily on classical music.

Togo Yamamoto

After a four year hiatus, he returned to the Japanese screen in two 1929 films and no fewer than eleven 1930 films, including Sono yo no tsuma and Ojosan, both directed by Yasujirō Ozu.

Tullio Avoledo

In that year his first novel for Einaudi, one of the most renowned Italian publishers (which had also issued pocket editions of the former two), was released, under the title Tre sono le cose misteriose.

Venice Community Housing Corporation

Past featured artists include Los Pinguos, Afrobeat Down, Aula, Sono-Lux, and Kwanza Jones.

William I, Marquess of Montferrat

Various legendary assertions about his Saxon and Kentish origins and the origins of his wife have been met by the definitive Dizionario Biografico with the pronouncement: Ma tali asserzioni non sono ancora state seriamente coinprovate da documenti: "But such assertions are not yet seriously backed up by the documents."

see also