
unusual facts about Sort


1981 Caesars Palace Grand Prix

Even in practice, Piquet suffered noticeably and became physically sick; he later got a 90-minute massage from Sugar Ray Leonard's masseur to help sort out his troubled back and "Las Vegas neck."

A Little Trip to Heaven

Holt bluffs, claiming a hidden camera will help sort out who was truly on the bus; many leave, and his co-worker (Peter Coyote) quickly tells him their company wants him to investigate a crash in the remote and desolate town of North Hastings, Minnesota.


At Bishopstone church, Wiltshire, it is a sort of covered porch attached to the south transept, but not communicating with the interior of the church.

André-Joseph Léonard

Priests who abused children in their care, Leonard went on television to say, must be made aware of what they did, "but if they're no longer working, if they have no responsibilities, I'm not sure that exercising a sort of vengeance that will have no concrete result is humane." On 31 September 2010, the bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny, said this was "a personal point of view" and not that of the church.

Baddeck, And That Sort of Thing

Baddeck, And That Sort of Thing is a travel journal written by Charles Dudley Warner, the American author who co-wrote The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today with Mark Twain.

Bob Paisley

"The sort of lad I'm looking for here is a kid who'll try to nutmeg Kevin Keegan in a training match... but then step aside for him in the corridor."

Bubble sort

However, some researchers such as Owen Astrachan have gone to great lengths to disparage bubble sort and its continued popularity in computer science education, recommending that it no longer even be taught.


Lemprière notes that "As Caria probably abounded in figs, a particular sort has been called Carica, and the words In Care periculum facere, have been proverbially used to signify the encountering of danger in the pursuit of a thing of trifling value." The region of Caria continues to be an important fig-producing area to this day, accounting for most fig production in Turkey, which is the world's largest producer of figs.

Christylez Bacon

It takes traditional hip-hop elements and fuses live instrumentation and genres from around the world...From there, my executive producer/friend/mentor, Bomani Armah, helped me sort through the collection, discarding the fluff.

Cupping tester

This sort of test is essential because it allows one to test the durability of a lacquer or protective coating before the coating is applied to a product.

Data Access Language

However, like any server software on the "classic" Mac OS, Butler was seriously hampered by the Mac's single-user file system and limited multitasking and could never really deliver the sort of performance the same server would have on Windows NT or Unix.

Diamond Trading Company

Sorters in London, Kimberley, Windhoek and Gaborone sort these diamonds into approximately 12,000 different categories based on size, shape, quality and colour.

Dimercaptosuccinic acid

In a study by Howard Frumkin et al., this sort of test was shown to not reliably provide an indication of past chronic mercury exposure, something it was often used for.

Duchess Violante Beatrice of Bavaria

To quell any future tiffs regarding precedence, Cosimo III appointed Violante Beatrice Governor of Siena, whose duties as such kept her away from the Tuscan court, and gave her possession of the Villa di Lappeggi, which became, in the words of historian Harold Acton, "a sort of literary academy".

Euripus Strait

(The name has nothing to do with any sort of "Black Bridge," except as a Veronese or Venetian joke.)

Fair Credit Reporting Act

Typically, these are creditors, with which a consumer has some sort of credit agreement (such as credit card companies, auto finance companies and mortgage banking institutions).


Located in the red earth, green hills, and fast flowing streams of southwestern Burkina Faso, Gaoua is the capital of Poni Province and forms a sort of capital for the sacred rites and bush lore of the Lobi peoples.

Guillaume-Mathieu Dumas

A growing weakness of sight, ending in blindness, prevented him from carrying the work further, but he translated Napier's Peninsular War as a sort of continuation to it.


Dungeon instancing, a technique used in online games to provide individual players or groups of players with their own instance of some sort of content at the same time

Istrian Shorthaired Hound

The smooth and coarse-haired hounds were used for hunting in Istria (see the article on Motovun for photographs of the sort of mountainous terrain they were bred to hunt) while the Posavaz Hound is from the Sava Valley.

James Russo

In the summer of 2009, Russo starred in a sort of psychological thriller entitled 7E along with Brendan Sexton III, John Savage and Natasha Lyonne.

Jimbo Simpson

Indeed Sinn Féin's North Belfast spokesman, Gerry Kelly had called on the Housing Executive to move the peace lines in order to build new housing for Catholics, a statement Simpson interpreted as the same sort of encroachment that had brought him to the UDA in the first place.

Karatoya River

There was a time when the Kosi and the Mahananda joined the Karatoya and formed a sort of ethnic boundary between people living south of it and the Kochs and Kiratas living north of the river.

Kukaniloko Birth Site

The wide view of the skies from Kūkaniloko might also have made it a sort of Hawaiian Stonehenge.

Mar-Zutra III

Mar-Zutra II had been crucified on the bridge of Mahuza by King Kavadh I for trying to obtain by force of arms a sort of political independence for the Jews of Babylon.

Meat Weed Madness

Film Threat called the film was a "curious fusion of Alice in Wonderland, Reefer Madness and Herschell Gordon Lewis' Two Thousand Maniacs. It's shot directly onto video and contains lots of gore, bizarre situations and female nudity. It's not particularly funny or gross or sexy, but it was gratifying in some sort of weird way."

Meet the Mets

Sportswriter Leonard Koppett affected the role of classical music critic in 1963 to tweak the song's simplistic composition: “There is little in the score of interest to a mid-20th-century audience. The harmony is traditional; no influences of atonality or polytonality can be found. In fact, it’s sort of un-tonal.”

Meili Yinyuehui

It consists of one disc with eight songs and a second disc with ten songs in a sort of modernized Chinese form.

Paul Rudnick

Frank Rich, in The New York Times, called Rudnick, “a born show-biz wit with perfect pitch for priceless one-liners” and Stephen Holden, also in the Times, said that Jeffrey was, “Just the sort of play Oscar Wilde might have written had he lived in 1990s Manhattan.”

Peter Wilding

In June 2010, Pete re-joined the club as Assistant Manager of the YouthTeam - Much to the delight of the Salop faithful, whom still very much idolise him, in a "cult hero" sort of way.

Roderick Wellington

At the beginning of the 2006-07 season, after failing to sort out a contract with the Heat, Wellington signed for English Basketball League (second-tier) team Worthing Thunder where he played for two months, before re-signing with the Heat in November 2006.


(We may assume that Valerian's mother, Salonina, would have been most unhappy: the death of her elder son, Valerian II, in Illyria under the tutelage of Ingenuus must have seemed to her to have confirmed her worst fears of this sort of arrangement).

Sardinian language

In the 1st century AD, some relevant groups of Hebrews were deported to Sardinia, bringing various influences; the Christianization of the island would probably have brought Hebrews to convert to a sort of independent cult of Sant'Antioco (perhaps a way to preserve some aspects of their ethnicity under a Christian form), still present in Gavoi.


Selective school, a school that admits students on the basis of some sort of selection criteria


Despite their own disagreements, the fairy rulers of the woods around Dream Park, Titania (Sharon Small) and Oberon (Lennie James), have a duty to ensure a happy ending, so Oberon gets Puck (Dean Lennox Kelly) — portrayed as a sort of magical wide boy — to try to sort things out with "love juice" eyedrops, while Oberon and Theo discuss their marriages.

Simon H. Rifkind

He was appointed by the United States Supreme Court to sort out the rival claims of various western states to the Colorado River, was tapped by President John F. Kennedy to investigate railroad labor issues, and helped create (and later served as General Counsel of) the Mutual Assistance Corporation for New York City during New York's bankruptcy crisis in the 1970s.

Sony Ericsson W300i

The W300i can read both MP3 and MP4 tracks, and software which comes with the mobile phone (Disc2Phone) can convert other file types such as WMA, and although album artwork is not viewable, the W300i will read track details (via id3v1 tagging): artist, album, song name and sort them for easy access.

Stuart Cloete

Film producer Albert R. Broccoli attempted to film Rags of Glory in the mid-1960s with David Lean directing, but Lean subsequently - despite his initial interest in the book which he called "very good in an awful sort of way" and its subject matter - rebuffed the offer.

Summit cross

A superlative example is the Heroes' Cross on Caraiman Peak, in the Bucegi mountains of Romania at an altitude of 2291m — the greatest construction of this sort in the world (as recognized in 2013 by the Guinness World Records).

The Basil and Josephine Stories

Unlike other rebellious teenagers, such as Holden Caulfield, Josephine understands her academic problems will sort themselves out on their own.

The Berlin File

Confronting the possibility of a double agent within Berlin's North Korean embassy where his wife Ryun Jung-hee (Jeon Ji-hyun) is a translator, Pyo discovers that Pyongyang security authorities have dispatched ruthless fixer Dong Myung-soo (Ryoo Seung-bum) to sort out potentially conflicting loyalties at the consulate.

The Cares of a Family Man

Slavoj Žižek emphasizes in his analysis that Odradek "once had some sort of intelligible shape and is now only a broken-down remnant," and as such it should be part of a whole.

The Long Hello

In 1981 Nic Potter and Guy Evans released a sort of follow-up to this album, The Long Hello Volume Two.

The Vain Little Mouse

This little mouse ("ratón" in Spanish), would later inspire Padre Coloma, who would make him part of the Spanish traditional folklore by turning him into a sort of Tooth Fairy.

Tool and die maker

Ongoing evolution of computerized design and control technologies, such as CAD/CAM, CNC, PLC, and others, has limited the use of jigs in manufacturing, however all the computer run machines need some sort of clamping fixture for production runs.

Trichambaram uthsavam

In between these dates, for 11 days, thitambu nriththam (a sort of dance with the deities of Krishna and Balarama) is held at Pookoth Nada (1 km from Trichambaram temple).

Tru Fax and the Insaniacs

The voice of the band's lead vocalist, Diana Quinn, has been described as evoking "early Deborah Harry -- sort of Blondie meets The Stooges or New York Dolls." TFI was part of DC's infant punk scene in the late 1970s/early 1980s.


Untergruppenbach's name roughly means "below the 'Groppe' (a sort of small fish) stream", referring to a small stream that cuts across the valley in which Untergruppenbach and Obergruppenbach are located.

Van Wolverton

While nearly all home computers today have some sort of Graphical User Interface, that was not so back then.

Windows Script File

The most memorable example for long-time VBScript users is the use of Microsoft JScript to service a sort request for VBScript since it does not have a built-in sort function for an array of values.

see also