
unusual facts about Sovereign

1642 in England

Undated - Charles' eldest daughter Mary becomes the first child of an English Sovereign to be granted the title Princess Royal.


Abkhazia, a de facto independent region with partial recognition as a sovereign state, otherwise recognized as part of Georgia

Adelaide Ristori

In 1857 she visited Madrid, playing in Spanish to enthusiastic audiences, and in 1866 she paid the first of four visits to the United States, where she won much applause, particularly in Paolo Giacometti's Elisabeth, an Italian study of the English sovereign.

Ana María Romero de Campero

Father and daughter met in public service, where he gave an outstanding performance as mastermind and chief promoter of the OAS resolution in 1979 which urged Chile to give Bolivia a sovereign and useful outlet to the Pacific Ocean.

Anglian Sovereign

On 3 September 2005, Anglian Sovereign ran aground off Oxna island in the Scalloway Islands while conducting hydrographic surveys.


In Tahitian, his name translate as "sovereign-demised" and "the-sky-forest" respectively.

Baker Brook, New Brunswick

He was dissatisfied with the official borders, and in 1827 declared the village to be capital of the "Republic of Madawaska", a self-proclaimed unrecognized sovereign state being part neither of the United States nor of British America (Canada) although comprising portions of both.

Certificates of Claim

Eugene Sharrer claimed to have acquired 363,034 acres, and he had attempted to induce chiefs to give up their sovereign rights: he also possibly intended to form his own Chartered company.

Chinese nobility

Prior to the Qin dynasty, Wang (sovereign) was the title for the ruler of whole China.

Cortes Españolas

The Spanish Cortes were not intended as the repository of national sovereignty, since the whole sovereign power was concentrated in the head of state (Caudillo), in the absence of separation of powers.

Demise of the Crown

The Demise of the Crown Act 1901 in the UK, and similar legislation in other Commonwealth realms, now makes this process unnecessary – they are all employees of the Crown, rather than any particular Sovereign.

East Karelian Uprising and Soviet–Finnish conflict 1921–22

This period of disagreement and uncertainty about borders was ended with the Treaty of Tartu, where Finland and the Baltic states first recognised the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as a sovereign state, and established the border between Finland and RSFSR.

First Whig Junto

Having slowly risen to government ascendancy in the person of Lord Danby (1st Earl) who had held office through three shortly-spaced changes of Sovereign (dating to the Royal-dominated ministries of Charles II), the Whig elite established dominance in 1694 with the appointment of Sir Charles Montagu as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Flag of Sardinia

It's just in the time of the Catholic Monarchs and especially from the time of the Emperor Charles V, that the quattro mori are frequently used as a symbol of the Kingdom of Sardinia among the countless possessions of the Emperor, including in a book printed in the famous printing house of Plantin, Antwerp, representing the funeral procession of the same sovereign composed of bishops and harnessed horses with the insignia of each state.

Ganiyu Adams

Ganiyu Adams is the leader of a faction of the Oodua Peoples Congress, a secessionist and nationalist organisation based in Nigeria, which supports a sovereign state for the Yoruba people.

Great Recoinage

The Great Recoinage of 1816, which reintroduced silver coinage for values up to £2 and replaced the Guinea with the Sovereign.

Grimoire of Armadel

It was originally part of British Library manuscript Lans. 1202 as "The Key of King Solomon by Armadel; Book 4: The Spirits which govern under the Orders of the sovereign Creator" (Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Par Armadel. Livre Quatrieme. Des Esprits qui gouvernent sous les Ordres du Souverain Createur), but was translated to English and published as a separate grimoire by S.L. MacGregor Mathers.


One of the first deployments of Sassanian grivpanvar occurred at the Battle of Edessa in 259 AD, where a powerful army of Sassanians led by the emperor Shapur I came under assault from Roman sovereign Valerian's soldiers, including the renowned and elite imperial Praetorian Guard.

Hostis humani generis

Unlawful enemy combatants, or persons captured in war who do not fight on behalf of a recognized sovereign state, have become an increasingly common phenomenon in contemporary wars, such as War in Afghanistan, Iraq War, and First Chechen War.

Jakob Abbadie

An English translation, entitled A Sovereign Antidote against Arian Poyson, appeared in London, 1719, and again "revised, corrected, and, in a few places, abridged", by Abraham Booth, under the title of The Deity of Jesus Christ essential to the Christian Religion, 1777.


She was the sovereign of the Island of Kauai at the time Captain James Cook land on the Kauaian shores.

Kings Avenue, Canberra

Rather than the name of the new nation "Commonwealth of Australia" and "Federal Avenue" for the federation of the states that formed that nation, the interpretation is now "Commonwealth Avenue" for the Commonwealth of British Colonies and "Kings Avenue" for the Sovereign of that Commonwealth, violating Griffin's original intent.

Letters Patent, 1947

With no method to allow for the incapacity of the sovereign, the Icelandic parliament was forced into passing an illegal declaration of independence, with the appointment of Sveinn Björnsson as regent.

Levina Teerlinc

There is documentation that she created numerous portraits of Elizabeth I, both individual portraits and portraits of the sovereign with important court figures.

Louis, Prince of Brionne

His paternal family, the Guise's were a cadet branch of the House of Lorraine, the sovereign Dukes of Lorraine; as such Louis could count the future Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor and a Queen of Sardinia as cousins.

Luis Lloréns Torres

Lloréns Torres' book, "El Grito de Lares", deals with the attempted overthrow of the Spanish government on the island with the intention of establishing the island as a sovereign republic.


Something of, from, or related to Monaco, a small sovereign city-state located in South Western Europe (Monaco is the name of the country as well as the name of its only city)

Monarchy of Jamaica

Many employees of the Crown were once required by law to recite an oath of allegiance to the monarch before taking their posts, in reciprocation to the sovereign's Coronation Oath, wherein he or she promises "to govern the Peoples of ... Jamaica ... according to their respective laws and customs".

New Zealand Defence Meritorious Service Medal

The obverse of the medal bears the effigy of the Sovereign, currently the effigy designed by Ian Rank-Broadley, surrounded by the Royal Styles and Titles for New Zealand.

North Borneo

The company subsequently acquired further sovereign and territorial rights from the sultan of Brunei, expanding the territory under control to the Putatan river (May 1884), the Padas district (November 1884), the Kawang river (February 1885), the Mantanani Islands (April 1885), and additional minor Padas territories (March 1898).

Order of Saint Januarius

HMEH Frà Matthew Festing, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta,

Orders of precedence in the United Kingdom

In Scotland, the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ranks immediately below the sovereign or consort (depending on their respective sex), but only when the General Assembly is in session, and immediately followed by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

Orhan Murad Osmanoğlu

He is the great-great-great-grand-son of H.I.M. Sultan Murad V, 33rd Sovereign of the House of Osman through his grandfather H.I.H. Prince (Şehzade) Ali Vasıb Efendi, 41st Head of the Imperial House of Osman, and also the great-great-grand-son of H.I.M. Sultan Mehmed V Reşad Han Gazi, 35th Sovereign of the House of Osman, through his grandmother H.I.H. Princess Emine Mükbile Sultan.


This hill gave Palekastro its name in the Middle Ages when the region was dominated by the sovereign power of Venice.

Radio Sovereign

After closing in the UK, the station moved to Camporosso, Italy, in May 1984 under the name Radio Sovereign International.

Ravivarma Narasimha Domba Heggade

Ravivarma Narasimha Domba Heggade (died 1800) was the Raja (sovereign) of Vitla principality who led a resistance against British colonisers in the erstwhile South Canara district of British India.

Riccardo Zanella

Following World War II Zanella demanded the restoration of the Free State as a sovereign entity, but failed to receive support for his idea at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco.


The full title used by the Princes of the resurrected state was "Prince of Salm-Kyrburg, Sovereign Prince of Ahaus, Bocholt and Gemen, Wildgrave of Dhaun and Kyrburg, Rhinegrave of Stein".

Shah Alam II

Soon after the Battle of Buxar, Shah Alam II, a sovereign who had just been defeated by the British, sought their protection by signing the Treaty of Allahabad in the year 1765.

Sovereign Stone

Scott Haring reviewed the Sovereign Stone role-playing game for Pyramid.

Spanish chivalry

The Spanish kings had frequently obtained the election of close connections of their families as Masters of the Orders and at Calatrava in 1489, Santiago in 1494 and Alcántara in 1495 the administration of the three Magisteries were ultimately granted to King Ferdinand of Aragón, as Sovereign of Aragón and King-Consort of Castille.

Stranger in a Strange World

The two flirt and it is revealed that the woman is Xena, the Sovereign's mistress.

An alternate Joxer gives Iolaus a dagger, saying he is the only one the Sovereign trusts enough to be able to get close enough to kill him.

The Complexity of Cooperation

Philosopher and political economist Francis Fukuyama, writing for the Foreign Affairs, praises the book for showing that realist models, which assume that in situations lacking a single sovereign actor that anarchy will necessarily result, are too simplistic.

Tim Hitchens

Timothy Mark Hitchens, CMG, LVO (born 1962) is a British diplomat and a former Assistant Private Secretary to the Queen in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, 1999-2002.

Title and style of the Canadian monarch

Unlike in the United Kingdom, where the term (Fidei defensor, in Latin) signifies the sovereign's position as Supreme Governor of the Church of England and a member and defender of the security of the Church of Scotland, there have been no established churches in Canada since before its confederation in 1867.

Udayagiri Caves

Archaeologist Michael D. Willis argued that Candragupta II did so in order to reflect a new concept of Hindu kingship, in which the monarch was seen as both the paramount sovereign (cakravartin) and the supreme devotee of the god Vișņu (paramabhāgavata).

United States federal government credit-rating downgrades

August 7, 2011, video with David T. Beers, Standard & Poor's Global Head of Sovereign Ratings, and John B. Chambers, Chairman of the Sovereign Ratings Committee

Wangchuk Namgyal

Chogyal Wangchuk Tenzing Namgyal (b. April 1, 1953) is the second son of Palden Thondup Namgyal, the last sovereign king of Sikkim.


Woldemar, Prince of Lippe (1824–1895), sovereign of the Principality of Lippe from 1875

see also