
6 unusual facts about Spanish Republic

Fernando Remacha

The works of these composers began to be appreciated in the period marked by the advent of the Spanish Republic.

Fighting Fascism in Europe. The World War II Letters of an American Veteran of the Spanish Civil War

Having fought earlier as a member of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Spanish Republic against the Fascist forces of General Francisco Franco, Lawrence Cane enlisted in the U. S. Army as a committed anti-fascist and with extensive combat experience.

John J. O'Kelly

Sceilg was also explicitly hostile to the Spanish Republic declared in 1931, believing it to be anti-Catholic and supported by pro-British Freemasons.

Manuel Serra Moret

In the last session of the Parliament of Catalonia (1 October 1938) before its dissolution after the Spanish Republic losing the Spanish Civil War, he was elected second vice-president of the Parliament.

Nora Chegodayeva

She volunteered to support the Spanish Republicans during the Spanish Civil War as an interpreter, but also experienced combat and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Vilalba dels Arcs

At the site known as Els Barrancs there are still almost intact trenches of the Spanish Republican line of defence, part of a long defensive line built between Vilalba dels Arcs and La Pobla de Massaluca.

League of American Writers

Some 418 returned the survey forms, with 410 supporting the Loyalists to the Spanish Republic, 7 professing neutrality, and only one — Gertrude Atherton — supporting General Francisco Franco and his nationalist forces.

see also

Battle of Brunete

Prime Minister Juan Negrín needed to convince the French Premier Camille Chautemps that the Spanish Republic was still capable of military action after the disastrous losses of Málaga and Bilbao.

Catalonian parliamentary election, 2010

Catalonian branch of Republican Left, the political party of the former President of the Spanish Republic Manuel Azaña, this political party promotes republicanism, federalism, secularism and participatory democracy, with the objective of the proclamation of the Third Spanish Republic and the Catalonian State integrated in the republican federation.

Economics of fascism

During the Spanish Republic, workers' groups had aligned with the communists, anarchists or other republican forces.


José Giral (1879–1962), Spanish politician during the Second Spanish Republic

James Schevill

He was influenced by his father, Rudolph Schevill, who created and chaired the department of romance languages at UC Berkeley, and created the West Coast committee in defense of the Spanish republic at the request of his friends Pablo Casals and Fernando de los Rios.

Pere Puig Subinyà

He actively participated in the events of October 1934 (the 1934 revolution in Spain - in Barcelona, the government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, chaired by Lluís Companys from Republican Left of Catalonia, proclaimed the Catalan State within a non existent Federal Spanish Republic in the night of 6 October), for which he was subjected to martial court.

Spanish Republican Navy

The takeover of the Navy by coup leaders failed mainly because the messages calling for a rebellion against the Spanish Republic were not sent in code —as would have been the norm— from Ciudad Lineal to the senior officers commanding the ships.


Unión Militar Republicana Antifascista, an anti-fascist organization for military members in Spain during the Second Spanish Republic