
2 unusual facts about Special Cases

Special Cases

In addition to a radio edit of the original song, the single release contains a remix by Canadian electronica artist Akufen, as well as "I Against I", a song performed with Mos Def that appeared on the soundtrack of the 2002 film Blade II.

12" vinyl releases contained an additional remix of "Special Cases" by Vladislav Delay, who is credited as "Luomo" for this release.

see also


Check digits and parity bits are special cases of checksums, appropriate for small blocks of data (such as Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, computer words, single bytes, etc.

Cornelis Simon Meijer

Cornelis Simon Meijer (August 17, 1904, Pieterburen – April 12, 1974) was a Dutch mathematician at the university of Groningen who introduced the Meijer G-function, a very general function that includes most of the elementary and higher mathematical functions as special cases; he also introduced generalizations of the Laplace transform that are referred to as Meijer transforms.

Douglas Ravenel

In this picture, complex cobordism and Morava K-theory control many qualitative phenomena, which were understood before only in special cases.

Erlangen program

Klein proposed an idea that all these new geometries are just special cases of the projective geometry, as already developed by Poncelet, Möbius, Cayley and others.

Generalized complex structure

These structures first arose in Hitchin's program of characterizing geometrical structures via functionals of differential forms, a connection which formed the basis of Robbert Dijkgraaf, Sergei Gukov, Andrew Nietzke and Cumrun Vafa's 2004 proposal that topological string theories are special cases of a topological M-theory.

Hall–Littlewood polynomials

They are Schur functions when t is 0 and monomial symmetric functions when t is 1 and are special cases of Macdonald polynomials.

Sectrix of Maclaurin

There are special cases are also known as arachnida or araneidans because of their spider-like shape, and Plateau curves after Joseph Plateau who studied them.