
7 unusual facts about Spencer Ackerman

American Independent News Network

Spencer Ackerman, who has written for The New Republic and Talking Points Memo writes for The Washington Independent. Ed Brayton, a freelance writer who blogs at Dispatches from the Culture Wars, is the state editor for The Michigan Messenger.

David Kilcullen

In an interview with Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent in 2008, Kilcullen called the decision to invade Iraq "fucking stupid" and suggested that if policy-makers apply his manual's lessons, similar wars can be avoided in the future.

Spencer Ackerman

In October 2006 he was fired by The New Republic Editor Franklin Foer.

Ackerman also maintains a personal blog, Attackerman, which was hosted at Firedoglake from June 2008 through December 2010.

He also wrote, with John B. Judis, an article that started the chain of events that led to the Plame affair.

In 2006 Ackerman was fired from TNR for "insubordination" (in TNR editor Franklin Foer's account) or "irreconciliable ideological differences" (in Ackerman's).

United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Spencer Ackerman, writing in the Washington Independent, reported that Presiding Officer Stephen Henley had to consider whether he was authorized to accept guilty pleas.

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