Spiny (Mario), a fictional four-legged creature in Super Mario Bros, often thrown by Lakitus
Spiny, Poland, a village in the district of Gmina Pakosławice, within Nysa County, Opole Voivodeship, in south-western Poland
The lowland leopard frog, North American river otter, beaver, muskrat, Arizona toad, and spiny-spotted turtle are among the major aquatic vertebrates found in or near the water.
Bolinus brandaris (originally called Murex brandaris by Linnaeus), and commonly known as the purple dye murex or the spiny dye-murex, is a species of medium-sized predatory sea snail, an edible marine gastropod mollusk in the family Muricidae, the murex snails or the rock snails.
Bogue are host to a wide variety of parasites, ranging from metazoans such as Digenean flatworms, Acanthocephalan spiny-headed worms, nematode roundworms, isopod and copepod crustaceans and Myxozoan cnidarians to the unicellular dinoflagellate Ichthyodinium chabelardi, a parasite that is lethal to eggs developing in ovaries.
Chlamys hastata, the spear scallop or spiny scallop, a bivalve species
The dry chaco where this tree is found has dense spiny woodlands consisting of low trees and an understorey of Aspidosperma, Astronium, Schinopsis, Ceiba, and Bulnesia.
Eurycantha calcarata (suggested common name: Giant Spiny Stick Insect / Thorny Devil Stick Insect)
Ichthyosis hystrix, a class of rare skin disorder characterized by massive hyperkeratosis with an appearance like spiny scales
More recently, the lakes have been under threat from non-indigenous invasive species such as the Bythotrephes longimanus (a.k.a. spiny water flea), which threaten local species.
Didierea madagascariensis, a densely spiny succulent plant in the family Didiereaceae
Panamanian spiny pocket mice are found only in southern and western Panama, along the Pacific coast between David and Chepo, and inland as far as the headwaters of rivers flowing into the Atlantic.
Panamanian spiny pocket mice are nocturnal, and feed mainly on the nuts of palm trees such as Bactris and Attalea, although they also eat other plant material and some insects.
Spiny Norman is possibly a subtle reference to the notorious former head of the London Drug Squad, Detective Sergeant Norman Pilcher.
Sinobdella sinensis, a spiny eel species found in China and Vietnam
The spiny dogfish, spurdog, mud shark, or piked dogfish, Squalus acanthias, is one of the best known of the dogfish which are members of the family Squalidae in the order Squaliformes.
Typical companion plants are often the Spiny restharrow Ononis spinosa, heather Calluna vulgaris and Euphrasia stricta.
A 2006 study, published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, found the king stropharia to have the ability to attack the nematode Panagrellus redivivus; the fungus produces unique spiny cells called acanthocytes which are able to immobilise and digest the nematodes.
Compressor diving is the most common method used to fish for Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) in the Caribbean.
The Tokunoshima spiny rat (Tokudaia tokunoshimensis) is a rodent found only on the island of Tokunoshima in Japan.