
unusual facts about Spiny lobster

Agua Blanca, Oaxaca

Locals using both lines and nets catch Yellowtail amberjack, Skipjack tuna, and agujon off the beach, and the rocky shoreline is also popular for oyster divers and lobster fisherman.

White spot syndrome

Many crustaceans like crabs (Scylla spp., Portunus spp.), spiny lobsters (Panulirus spp.), crayfish (Astacus spp., Cherax spp.) and freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium spp.) are reported to be infected with variable severities depending on the life stage of the host and presence of external stressors (temperature, salinity, bacterial diseases, pollutants).

see also

Surface-supplied diving

Compressor diving is the most common method used to fish for Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) in the Caribbean.