
2 unusual facts about Spoke-hub distribution paradigm

Spoke-hub distribution paradigm

The US-Japan Security Treaty of 1951, US-Republic of Korea Defense Treaty of 1953 or US-Republic of China Security Treaty of 1954 are some of the examples that manifests these bilateral relations.

In the sphere of East Asian relations, according to Victor Cha, hub-and-spokes refers to the network of bilateral alliances between United States and other individual East Asian countries.

Adam Joinson

In 2010, Joinson spoke with The Daily Telegraph about his belief that social media may have negative effects on privacy and intimacy levels between people.

Alive Till I'm Dead

Green spoke about how the collaboration came about between him and Lily Allen, stating that the pair got speaking through Facebook.

Austrian presidential election, 2010

Carinthia Governor Gerhard Dörfler spoke out against such a candidacy, because he "wouldn't like to join forces with Heinz-Christian Strache's Freedom Party", but nonetheless said that Claudia Haider would be a "good candidate, who could finance her campaign on her own".


In June 2013 the comedian Angela Barnes became noted for an article in The Guardian, in it she spoke about how she felt society treated people deemed ugly and her feelings as someone who self-identified as such.

Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances

Publicity was provided by the presence and support from several world famous actors, namely American Meryl Streep, Brazilian Sônia Braga, Chinese Mei Baojiu and Spanish Javier Bardem and Antonio Banderas, who spoke out on several instances endorsing the treaty.

Biblical money management

Jesus spoke more about money and material possessions than he did about other topics such as prayer and so there are many parables about them in the New Testament such as the Parable of the Talents and the Parable of the Rich Fool.

Brendan Brazier

Making stops at 21 universities, it featured David Suzuki, Stephen Lewis, and Maude Barlow who spoke about general environmental issues, while Brazier spoke of the significant raw food production has on the environment.

Celebration of Mexican political anniversaries in 2010

In fact, La Prensa interviewed several people who spoke about the "celebrations in an uninhabited nation" due to the fear and insecurity existing in a lot of northern and central villages in Mexico.

Chad Doucette

Soon after their appearances on Idol, Doucette and Canadian Idol winner Eva Avila spoke publicly about a budding romantic relationship.

Charles Talbot, 1st Duke of Shrewsbury

Swift described him as "the finest gentleman we have", and as "the favourite of the nation", while William III spoke of him as "the king of hearts".

Charlie Shrem

Shrem spoke at the Bitcoin 2013 conference in San Jose, California describing the potential for initial fights between Bitcoin companies and regulators and the need for close collaboration between them to develop standards of 'Knowing Your Customer' policies.

Death of Aristotelis Goumas

The ethnic Greek mayor of Himarë, Vasil Bollano, spoke of a "premeditated crime" as the suspects had been "provoking the victim for days".

Delfín Gallo

On September 1, 1889, during the run-up to the Revolution of the Park, Gallo spoke at the great meeting of the Jardín Florida, which gave rise to the Civic Youth Union.

Derby Arboretum

The scene had the Aslin designed band stand with a brass band playing whilst Oliver Reed, Alan Bates and Glenda Jackson spoke.

Elk Grove, California

The Valley Miwok spoke Plains Miwok, a language of the Miwokan branch of the Utian family of languages.

Emmett Ashford

In 1971, Ashford was hired by commissioner Bowie Kuhn as a public relations adviser, in which Ashford spoke and held clinics on the west coast, and at places as far away as Korea.

Eric Williams Memorial Collection

Angela Davis, civil and women’s rights activist, was the featured speaker in 2003, and in honour of the Haitian Bicentennial, University of Virginia political scientist Robert Fatton, Jr., and prize-winning author Edwidge Danticat spoke in 2004.


Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, spoke at Harvard Medical School to a German magazine on August 16, 2007, and said that AstraZeneca's scientists deceptively doctored their comparative studies such that the difference from omeprazole would look larger, providing a marketing advantage.

Fair Mortgage Collaborative

Market Place spoke to Howard Banker, Executive Director of the Fair Mortgage Collaborative and home mortgage expert, about how the Fair Mortgage Collaborative sniffs out bad lenders.

Frédéric Dorion

In 1949, Dorion spoke out against the extradition from Canada of Count Jacques Charles Noel Duge de Bernonville, a Vichy France police official who had been an aide to Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie and was wanted in France for having collaborated with the Nazis.

Friedrich Waismann

Other members of the Circle (including Schlick, Rudolf Carnap, and Herbert Feigl) also spoke with Wittgenstein, but not to Waismann's extent.

History of Cairns

On the western side, particularly in the coastal area from Cairns to Port Douglas, Yirrganydji groups generally spoke dialects of the Djabugay language.

History of Milford Haven

He spoke glowingly during a banquet held in his honour, commenting on the number of whaleships sent to the Southern Oceans, Milford's status as a primary seaport on the west coast of Britain, and culminated in comparing the harbour with that of Trincomalee in Sri Lanka as to be the two best he had ever seen.

Jack Dash

Dash, who was interested in poetry and would quote Samuel Butler or Robert Browning in his speeches, was often invited to address prestigious bodies: he spoke at 40 student meetings, and opposed the motion 'This House would outlaw unofficial strikes' at the Oxford Union debating society.

James Covey

Yale professor Josiah Gibbs, seeking anyone who spoke the Mende language to assist him by interpreting for the Amistad captives, went to New York Harbor and loudly counted to ten in Mende until someone who could understand him approached.

John Granville

"He told his mom several times ... that it's dangerous, what he's doing, but he wouldn't want to be doing anything else," said U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins, who spoke with Granville's mother, Jane Granville, after her son's death.

John Grillo

In 1997 he appeared as Mr Carkdale, the English teacher who spoke only in Anglo-Saxon, in two series of Steven Moffat's school-sitcom Chalk.

Klingon Language Institute

Speers is known for having undertaken the endeavour to raise his child bilingually in English and Klingon; Speers spoke in Klingon and his wife in English.

Lipe Art Park

The park is located on an urban brownfield site where a multi-track train yard lay in the 19th and early 20th centuries, a yard whose round-house was the site of an important anti-slavery rally in 1852 at which the eminent abolitionist Frederick Douglas spoke.

Long knives

George Rogers Clark spoke of himself and men as "Big Knives," or Virginians, in his speeches to the Indians in 1778 after the capture of Illinois.

Louise Tracy

In July 1942, Louise Tracy spoke for the first time on her experience as the mother of a deaf child at the University of Southern California at a banquet for the National Workshop of Social Workers and teachers and Parents of the Hard of Hearing.

Mohammad Vali Mirza Farman Farmaian

Mohammad Vali Mirza escaped only at the last minute because he spoke to the general in French, prompting the general to realize, as Nogales wrote in his memoirs, "that he was a prince of the lineage of Farman Farma."

Monique Villa

In June 2013, Monique Villa spoke at the TEDxHousesofParliament event highlighting how the Thomson Reuters Foundation is reshaping modern philanthropy through the power of data, news and information.

Morse v. Frederick

Deputy Solicitor-General Edwin Kneedler spoke on behalf of the U.S. government in support of the petitioner.

Murugappa Channaveerappa Modi

Helen Keller, who spoke of him as "a light piercing the darkness with his selfless service".


In his 1999 book, The Big Book Of Beastly Mispronunciations, logophile Charles Harrington Elster noted that the vast majority of those he spoke with during the writing of his book as well as 99 percent of the 1985 usage panel of Morris & Morris' Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage specifically condemned the use of the word and characterized it as a mispronunciation.

Operation Lobster I

Tributh and Gärtner were both students and neither spoke English well.

Philip the Apostle

Philip bore a Greek name (see Philip II of Macedon) and we may infer from the context that Philip spoke Greek.

Pia Ravenna

Pia Ravenna spoke 6-7 languages and she used her language talent in translating Tex Willer when it arrived to Finland in 1953.

Plautdietsch language

For example, Homer Groening, the father of Matt Groening (creator of The Simpsons), spoke Plautdietsch as a child in Saskatchewan in the 1920s, but his son Matt never learned the language.

Right Club

While Ramsay was attempting to launch the Right Club, he spoke at a meeting of the Nordic League at the Wigmore Hall at which a reporter from the Daily Worker was present and reported Ramsay as saying that they needed to end Jewish control, "and if we don't do it constitutionally, we'll do it with steel" – a statement greeted with wild applause.

Sankara Nethralaya

In 1976 when addressing a group of doctors, Jayendra Saraswathi, the Sankaracharya of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam spoke of the need to create a hospital.


Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 78.99%, 8.3% spoke Hadiya, 4.89% spoke Alaba, 2.74% spoke Kambaata, and 2.35% spoke Amharic; the remaining 2.73% spoke all other primary languages reported.

Standing Rules of the United States Senate

The longest filibuster speech in the history of the Senate was delivered by Strom Thurmond, who spoke for over twenty-four hours in an unsuccessful attempt to block the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Takashi Nagai

One of his professors spoke about the philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal, quoting a sentence from the Pensées: "Man is only a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed."


During the writing of The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien toyed with the idea of making Taliska the primordial tongue of the people of Rohan who spoke Old English in his translated setting of The Lord of the Rings.

Title of Record

Liesegang initially spoke of traveling across North America and recording on a PowerBook whenever inspiration hit them.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

The Socialist Party spoke highly of the success of Die Linke in Germany, the New Anticapitalist Party in France and Coalition of the Radical Left in Greece.

Wail al-Shehri

Jamal Khashoggi, of Al-Watan and ArabNews in Saudi Arabia, spoke with Muhammad Ali al-Shehri in Khamis Mushait, who said his sons Wail and Waleed had been missing for months.

see also