
unusual facts about Spore


The Spore |


The aeroplankton comprises numerous microbes, including viruses, about 1000 different species of bacteria, around 40,000 varieties of fungi, and hundreds of species of protists, algae, mosses and liverworts that live some part of their life cycle as aeroplankton, often as spores, pollen, and wind-scattered seeds.


The dark color of the spores is the easiest way to distinguish Anthoceros from the related genus Phaeoceros, which produces spores that are yellow as noted by Campbell(1939)

Anthrax Detection Device

The BSM-2000 is a Bacterial spore detection system developed by Universal Detection Technology in collaboration with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, that can detect Anthrax Spores in the air.

Aquabacterium fontiphilum

Aquabacterium fontiphilum is a gram-negative non-spore-forming, motile bacterium from the genus of Aquabacterium and the family of Comamonadaceae which was isolated from a water sample from the Nature Valley in Hsinchu County in Taiwan.


Bacillus was later amended by Ferdinand Cohn to further describe them as spore-forming, Gram-positive, aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria.

Brown algae

Brown algae are unique among heterokonts in developing into multicellular forms with differentiated tissues, but they reproduce by means of flagellated spores and gametes that closely resemble cells of other heterokonts.

Burkholderia acidipaludis

Burkholderia acidipaludis is a gram-negative, catalase and oxidase-positive aerobic, aluminium-tolerant, non-spore-forming, non motile bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from the Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) in Vietnam and Thailand

Burkholderia bannensis

Burkholderia bannensis is a gram-negative, aerobic, non-spore-forming, bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from highly acidic swamps from torpedo grass (Panicum repens) in Thailand.

Burkholderia ferrariae

Burkholderia ferrariae is a gram-negative, catalase and oxidase-positive, non-spore-forming, bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from a high phosphorus iron ore in the Minas Gerais State in Brazil.

Burkholderia heleia

Burkholderia heleia is a gram-negative, nitrogen-fixing, aerobic, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium from the genus of Burkholderia and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from the Chinese water chestnut Eleocharis dulcis in acid sulfate soil areas of Vietnam.

Carlo Bonomi

In 2008 he acted the voices for the yellow tribe in Spore, and The Garfield Show.

Castellaniella hirudinis

Castellaniella hirudinis is a gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, bacterium from the genus of Castellaniella which has been isolated from the skin of a juvenile medical leech (Hirudo verbana) in Biebertal in Germany.


The core contains the spore chromosomal DNA which is encased in chromatin-like proteins known as SASPs (small acid-soluble spore proteins), that protect the spore DNA from UV radiation and heat.

The DNA is replicated and a membrane wall known as a spore septum begins to form between it and the rest of the cell.

Fingerprint powder

Historically, Lycopodium powder, the spores of Lycopodium and related plants, was used as a fingerprint powder.

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense

Fusarium oxysporum is a common inhabitant of soil and produces three types of asexual spores; macroconidia, microconidia and chlamydospores.

Gas spore

The blast spore appears in the basic edition of D&D in the Companion Rules set, in the Dungeon Masters Companion: Book Two (1984).

The gas spore appeared in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games.

The gas spore appeared in third edition Dungeons & Dragons in Lords of Madness (2005).


In addition to having septate basidia, heterobasidiomycetes also frequently possess large irregularly shaped sterigmata and spores that are capable of self-replication - a process where a spore, instead of germinating into a vegetative hypha, gives rise to a sterigma and a new spore, which is then discharged as if from a normal basidium.

Legionella cherrii

Legionella cherrii is a gram negative, non-spore-forming, aerobe bacterium from the genus of Legionella which was isolated from thermally altered water in Minnesota.

Legionella gresilensis

Legionella gresilensis is a gram-negative, aerobic, catalase-positive, non-spore-forming bacterium with a polar flagellum from the genus of Legionella which was isolated from a shower from thermal spa water in France from the city Gréoux-les-Bains.


As Mageddon enters Earth's solar system, a second spore forms around Lex Luthor, who has formed another version of the Injustice Gang (Prometheus, the General and an alien Queen Bee called Zazzala) and attacks the Watchtower, not knowing he is actually being controlled by the weapon.


The terrestrial larvae usually feed on fungi, especially the fruiting bodies but also spores and hyphae, but some species have been recorded on mosses and liverworts.

Pigmentiphaga litoralis

Pigmentiphaga litoralis is a gram-negative, oxidase and catalase-positive, facultatively anaerobic non-spore-forming, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium from the genus Pigmentiphaga, which was isolated from a tidal flat sediment in the South China Sea in China.


With the help of spore-producing protists such as Kneallhazia solenopsae (this is more widely recognized as belonging to the fungus kingdom now) the red fire ant populations can be reduced by 53-100%.


Pteridophytes or Pteridophyta, in the broad interpretation of the term (or sensu lato), are vascular plants (plants with xylem and phloem) that reproduce and disperse via spores.

Renshaw cell

Renshaw cells are also the target of the toxin of Clostridium tetani, a spore-forming anaerobic bacterium that lives in the soil.


RodA is a class I 14 kDa hydrophobin protein which is known to coat the spores and conidia of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus fumigatus.

Spore Creatures

The Nintendo DS version of the Sporepedia resembles and functions more like Pokémon's Pokédex than that used in the main version of Spore.


This evolutionary convergence is not unusual, since the form of a strobilus is one of the most compact that can be achieved in arranging lateral organs around a cylindric axis, and the consolidation of reproductive parts in a strobilus may optimize spore dispersal and nutrient partitioning.

The Body Snatchers

This echoes a familiar notion, the spore theory of Arrhenius.


The function of a Weyr is to fight Thread, a spore that originates in the Oort cloud of the Rukbat solar system, carried by a planetoid referred to as the Red Star with a loose elliptical orbit.

see also