Furthermore, Wolfgang Rindler, in his popular textbook on relativity, used the squeeze mapping form of Lorentz transformations in his demonstration of their characteristic property (see equation 29.5 on page 45 of the 1969 edition, or equation 2.17 on page 37 of the 1977 edition, or equation 2.16 on page 52 of the 2001 edition).
Edwin Bidwell Wilson & Gilbert N. Lewis (1912) "The space-time manifold of relativity. The non-Euclidean geometry of mechanics and electromagnetics", Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 48:387–507.
Texture mapping | Squeeze play (baseball) | Semantic mapping | Vietoris–Begle mapping theorem | Suicide Squeeze | Squeeze Play! | Soul to Squeeze | "semantic mapping." | Robotic mapping | Open mapping theorem | Memory mapping | LizardTech, Inc. v. Earth Resource Mapping, Inc. | Just Squeeze Me (But Please Don't Tease Me) | HUI MIDI mapping protocol | Famous map of Lewis and Clark's expedition. It changed mapping of northwest America by providing the first accurate depiction of the relationship of the sources of the Columbia River | Digital mapping | Data mapping | "data mapping," | Color mapping | Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping | Cannibal squeeze | Business Process Mapping |