
unusual facts about St. Maximus

C. maximus

Clianthus maximus, the kakabeak or kōwhai ngutu-kākā in Māori, a woody legume shrub species native to New Zealand's North Island

Dr. Maximus

Ibn Arabi, a 12th Century philosopher known as Dr. Maximus in medieval Europe

Justina of Padua

The tombs of several saints are housed in the interior, including those of Justina, Prosdocimus, St. Maximus, St. Urius, St. Felicitas, St. Julian, as well as relics of the Apostle St. Matthias and the Evangelist St. Luke.

L. maximus

Limax maximus, the great grey slug or leopard slug, one of the largest kinds of keeled air-breathing land slug in the world native to Europe

see also