
unusual facts about St. Nicholas Cathedral, Elbląg

Confederation of Cologne

Since this peace was not enforceable the cities of Lübeck, Rostock, Stralsund, Wismar, Kulm, Thorn, Elbing, Kampen, Harderwyk, Elburg, Amsterdam and Briel signed the confederatio for war against Danmark and Norway.


The German name Draussensee, in earlier records called Drusensee, is connected to the ancient trade city of Truso, which stood within the lands now occupied by Elbląg.

Elbing, Kansas

The railroad wanted to call the town Regier but Mr. Regier suggested three other possibilities: Elbing, Danzig and Marienburg, all cities in Prussia where he had lived.

Gdańsk Voivodeship

Gdansk Voivodeship (2) was a unit of administrative division and local government in Poland in the years 1945–1975, superseded by the voivodeships of Gdansk (1), Elbląg and Słupsk (area of Lębork).

Gijsbrecht IV of Amstel

He died in exile in Flanders, though Professor Pim de Boer at the University of Groningen has found serious (though not entirely conclusive) indications that Gijsbrecht - after his exile, with a few followers - founded Pruissisch Holland (now in Poland), not far from Elbing (also now in Poland).


In 1862 the Oberland Canal (Elbląg Canal) was built between Elbing (Elbląg) and Eylau by engineer Georg Steenke, which enabled the inland town to transport bulk of lumber, farm products, and other goods north to Elbing and the Baltic Sea.

Prussian estates

They were at first composed of officials of six big cities of the region; Braunsberg (Braniewo), Culm (Chełmno), Elbing (Elbląg), Danzig (Gdańsk), Königsberg (Królewiec) and Thorn (Toruń).

Scottish Reformed Church in Elbląg

The Protestant Saint Mary Church in Elbląg had many family grave sites with names such as Ramsay and Slocume until 1945.

Simon Grunau

The only personal information available is what he wrote himself in his work: that he was a Dominican priest from Tolkemit (now Tolkmicko) near Frauenburg (now Frombork) just north of Elbing (Elbląg) in Royal Prussia.

St. Nicholas Cathedral, Elbląg

Following King Sigismund III's Prussian regency contract (1605) with Joachim Frederick of Brandenburg and his Prussian enfeoffment contract (Treaty of Warsaw, 1611) with John Sigismund of Brandenburg these two rulers of Ducal Prussia guaranteed free practice of Catholic religion in prevailingly Lutheran Prussia.

Since 1539 the city council tacitly tolerated and gradually openly promoted Lutheranism, so that St. Nicholas Church had become a Lutheran church by 1573.

Strait of Baltiysk

The strait is the shipping connection from the open sea to the important Russian ports of Baltiysk and Kaliningrad in the northeastern lagoon, as well as to the Polish ports of Elbląg, Braniewo, Tolkmicko, Frombork, Sztutowo, Krynica Morska, and Nowa Pasłęka in the southeastern lagoon.

see also