
unusual facts about Staff car

The Captain's Car

The platoon inherit a Rolls Royce Staff car, and have to prepare for a visiting French General.

Colin McDougall

Also slightly further north in Romana in December 1944 during the battle of the Naviglio Canal the company captured a self propelled gun, staff car and an intact bridge, thanks to a flanking movement he initiated when they were first faced with the gun.

see also

Coventry Transport Museum

A Humber staff car used by General Montgomery during the Second World War is also on display.

Operation Gaff

On July 18, Lee and his team parachuted into Orléans; they found that Rommel had been severely injured the previous day after his staff car had been overturned in an attack by RAF Hawker Typhoons and replaced by Günther von Kluge.

Siege of Tobruk

During the withdrawal, his staff car was stopped by a German patrol near Martuba and both he and O'Connor (who had been sent forward from Cairo by Archibald Wavell, C-in-C Middle East Command to advise) were taken prisoner.