
unusual facts about Star Reporter

Star Reporter

Star Reporter, John Randolph (Warren Hull), with his fiancée, Barbara Burnette, (Marsha Hunt), has faith in her Father, D.A. William Burnette (Wallis Clark), and throws the full weight of his newspaper behind him, in hopes of tracking down his own Father’s killer.

see also

Bulldog Edition

Newspaper Editors Ken Dwyer (Ray Walker) and Evans (Robert Warwick) compete for circulation, and the heart of star reporter / cartoonist Randy Burns (Evalyn Knapp).

His Girl Friday

Walter Burns (Cary Grant) is a hard-boiled editor for The Morning Post who learns his ex-wife and former star reporter, Hildegard "Hildy" Johnson (Rosalind Russell), is about to marry bland insurance man Bruce Baldwin (Ralph Bellamy) and settle down to a quiet life as a wife and mother in Albany, New York.