In the 2007 movie Transformers, the Decepticon Starscream, disguised as an F-22 Raptor, bears the fuselage and tail markings of the Air Combat Command, the 1st Fighter Wing and the 71st; however, as previously noted, the 71st has not switched to the F-22.
On Earth, Starscream awakes within the Ark to find Megatron allied with the Autobots against Galvatron.
In Transformers: Timelines volume 2 #2, "Games of Deception", traveling to Earth with a group of Bludgeon's Decepticons (unaware they were being trailed by Ultra Magnus' forces), they met up with Megatron's second-in-command Starscream.
Soundwave (voiced by Peter Jessop): He is unavailable to the player as a character, although he shares the tutorial with Starscream gives helpful hints to the player as they progress through the story.
Starscream tells Barricade to carry on his role as his spy on Earth, while he flies to the Hoover Dam to recover Frenzy.
After an extended chase where Knockout proves he has what it takes, and Starscream challenges Prime to single combat inside Rome's Colosseum.
In Transformers: The Reign of Starscream #4 Arcee returns to Cybertron from Mars by hiding in the landing gear of Starscream's ship.