
2 unusual facts about State Council of Ceylon

Manel Abeysekera

She was born to E. W. Kannangara, a prominent civil servant who had served as the Clerk of the State Council.

S. A. Wickramasinghe

The first Leftist to be elected to Ceylon State Council in 1931, he is considered as one of the leading political figures in the twentieth century of Sri Lanka.

Donald Obeyesekere

He was a member of the State Council of Ceylon, the Legislative Council of Ceylon and was the President of the National Olympic Committee of Ceylon.

Oliver Weerasinghe

Oliver Weerasinghe married Christobel Kotalawala, the only daughter of Sir Henry Kotalawala, a member of the State Council of Ceylon from Uva and Badulla for 28 years.

see also


Sir.Edwin Wijeyeratne - First elected member of Kegalle to State Council of Ceylon, Sri Lankan independence activist & Cabinet Minister of Home Affairs and Rural Development in the government of D.S.Senanayake