
unusual facts about Stephen T. McClellan

Stephen T. McClellan

He has made television appearances on CBS, CNN MoneyLine, CNBC, and Wall Street Week, and given presentations to numerous organizations, conferences, and to companies, such as IBM, Apple, Automatic Data Processing, and Electronic Data Systems.

1904 Democratic National Convention

!George B. McClellan, Jr. !!

7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment

He performed duty with his command, made the fruitless march in spring of 1862 under McClellan towards Manassas, went to the first campaign of the Rappahannock, engaged in small affairs at Thornburg near Fredericksburg.

Army of the Peninsula

In April 1862 Magruder's army was incorporated into the right wing of the larger army of Joseph E. Johnston, preparing defenses against an expected attack by George B. McClellan in what would become the Peninsula Campaign.

Benjamin S. W. Clark

He was the first New York State Superintendent of Public Works under the State constitutional amendment of 1876, appointed after a year-long struggle between Governor Lucius Robinson and a hostile New York State Senate which had rejected the appointment of Robinson's first three nominees, George B. McClellan, Charles S. Fairchild and Daniel Magone.

Buddhism and evolution

Stephen T. Asma has noted that the Buddha himself largely avoided answering questions about the origins of the universe.

Camp Wightman

Company I was called the "McClellan Guards" after General McClellan.

Capitol Police Board

The three members of this board are the Architect of the Capitol Stephen T. Ayers, the Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate Terrance W. Gainer, and the Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives Paul D. Irving.

Centreville Military Railroad

The Confederate defense line along Bull Run appeared too strong to Major General George B. McClellan, the Federal officer charged with the responsibility of capturing Richmond after Major General Irvin McDowell had failed in July, 1861.

Charles R. Train

-- A grammar fix may be needed here. -->During the Civil War served in the Union Army as a volunteer aide-de-camp to General George B. McClellan.

Civil War gold hoax

During the day a number of people -- one of them former Union commander General George McClellan -- became suspicious of the fact that the proclamation had been published in just two newspapers, and went to the offices of the Journal to determine the source.

Clark Henry Wells

During this time, sent a letter to the United States Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, that accused Maj. Granville O. Haller, former commander of George B. McClellan's headquarters guard, of disloyal sentiments to the Union.

Dennis Hart Mahan

Mahan also founded the Napoleon Seminar at West Point, where advanced under-graduates and senior officers including Lee, Reynolds, Thomas and McClellan, studied and discussed the great European wars, Napoleon and Frederick the Great.

Elizabeth Brinton

The Gold Award-winning Girl Scout was born in Fairfax, Virginia to parents Fullerton Brinton (descendent of George Brinton McClelland ) and mother Noel Chambers Brinton (cousin to Cisco CEO, John Chambers).

Fighting McCooks

Yet another brother, Dr. George McCook (1795-1873), and his son Dr. George Latimer McCook (1824-1874) served as unpaid surgeons during the Civil War, the latter serving under George B. McClellan during the Peninsula Campaign.

George B. McClellan, Jr.

In November 1903, McClellan defeated the sitting Mayor, Seth Low (independent Fusion), for a two-year term.

History of Williamsburg, Virginia

As General George McClellan's Union forces crept up the Peninsula to pursue the retreating Confederate forces, a rear guard force led by General James Longstreet and supported by General J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry blocked their westward progression at the Williamsburg Line.

Jacob Dolson Cox

His brigade joined the Department of Western Virginia and fought successfully in the early Kanawha Valley campaign under Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan.

Jesse Gove

The 22nd Massachusetts became part of the Army of the Potomac and left their winter quarters on March 10, 1862 to participate in Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan's Peninsular Campaign.

John J. McClellan

In the 1985 English edition of the LDS hymnal, the music for "Sweet Is the Work" (hymn #147) was composed by McClellan.

John McClellan

John J. McClellan (1874–1925), chief organist in the Salt Lake Tabernacle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900–1925

Joseph E. Johnston

He defended the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, during the 1862 Peninsula Campaign, withdrawing under the pressure of a superior force under Union Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan.

Julian Hawthorne

He studied civil engineering in America and Germany, was engineer in the New York City Dock Department under General McClellan (1870–72), spent 10 years abroad, and on his return edited his father's unfinished Dr. Grimshawe's Secret (1883).

Kim Wolfe

Mayor Kim Wolfe was defeated by then-City Councilman, and former WV Delegate and Huntington City Manager, Steve Williams on November 6, 2013.

Lee's Mill Earthworks

Confederate Major General John B. Magruder's extensive defensives beginning at Lee's Mill and extending to Yorktown along the Warwick River caused the Union Army of the Potomac Commander Major General George B. McClellan to initiate a month-long siege of the Warwick-Yorktown Line which lasted until May 3, 1862 and contributed to the eventual failure of McClellan's campaign.

Municipal Ownership League

Hearst, a lifelong Democrat, formed the party chiefly as a means of toppling the Tammany Hall political machine, a faction of the Democratic Party which then dominated city politics, and specifically to defeat Tammany crony George B. McClellan, Jr., who was then running for a second term as Mayor of New York City.

Samuel Garland, Jr.

Garland's body was retrieved by Union troops and sent down the mountainside, where Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan ordered an honor guard to accompany the body until it could be transferred to Garland's friends and transported home.

Sharpsburg, Maryland

Sharpsburg gained national recognition during the American Civil War, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee invaded Maryland with his Army of Northern Virginia in the summer of 1862 and was intercepted near the city by Union General George B. McClellan with the Army of the Potomac.

Stephen T. Ayers

He is the first Architect of the Capitol to be certified as an Accredited Professional in the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED program and is seeking to reduce energy consumption on Capitol Hill.

Stephen T. Chang

Chang's grandmother was a master physician, while his great-grandfather was a physician and professor to the Emperor of China (Tung Tse) and Empress Tse Shi (Ci Xi) (慈禧) as well as the first Chinese ambassador to the United States during the Benjamin Harrison administration (1889–1893).

Stephen T. Logan

His maternal grandfather was American pioneer Stephen Trigg and his paternal grandfather was John Logan, who was elected the first treasurer of the state of Kentucky.

Stephen T. McClard

McClard attended Southeast Missouri State University from 1986 to 1990 where he graduated with a Bachelor of Music Education.

Stephen T. McClard (born September 18, 1967 in Farmington, Missouri) Band Director, Furniture Designer, Professional Musician, 3rd Generation Piano Technician, Luthier and Author of the book, The Superior Educator: A Calm and Assertive Approach to Classroom Management and Large Group Motivation.

Currently (2002 to present), Director of Bands at Bolivar High School, Bolivar, Missouri.

Stephen T. Owens

He represented Afeni Shakur, the mother of Tupac Shakur, and the Estate of Tupac Shakur in a racketeering (civil RICO) lawsuit against Marion "Suge" Knight, Death Row Records and their attorney, David Kenner, which resulted in the Estate's recovery of the unreleased master tapes recorded by Tupac prior to his murder in 1996.

In another publicized case, Owens represented Internet Entertainment Group against Pamela Anderson's unsuccessful attempt to prevent the company from posting the so-called "honeymoon video" made by her and then-husband Tommy Lee on the internet.

Thunder on South Mountain

In this battle, Union forces fought under the command of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan and Confederate forces were under the command of Maj. Gen. Daniel Harvey Hill.

United States Capitol Guide Board

The three members of this board are the Architect of the Capitol Stephen T. Ayers, the Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance W. Gainer, and the House Sergeant at Arms Paul D. Irving.

Warwick Line

The Warwick Line (also known as the Warwick–Yorktown line) was a defensive works across the Virginia Peninsula maintained along the Warwick River by Confederate General John B. Magruder against much larger Union forces under General George B. McClellan during the American Civil War in 1861–62.

White's Ford

It was used in many major actions, including the crossing into Maryland of the Confederate army prior to the Maryland Campaign and Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuart's ride around Union Major General George B. McClellan on October 10, 1862, when he used the ford to cross into Loudoun County, Virginia.

see also