In 1981, Burns made his acting debut in an episode of the BBC's Play For Today series entitled Iris in the Traffic, Ruby in the Rain, written by Belfast-born poet and playwright Stewart Parker, which also featured the rest of Stiff Little Fingers effectively playing themselves as 'The Band'.
In Belfast (1962–1966), Hobsbaum organised a new weekly discussion group, which became known as The Belfast Group and included the emerging authors John Bond, Seamus Heaney, Michael Longley, Derek Mahon, Stewart Parker and Bernard MacLaverty.
Rod Stewart | James Stewart | Martha Stewart | Jon Stewart | Charlie Parker | David A. Stewart | Sarah Jessica Parker | Stewart Copeland | Evan Parker | Dorothy Parker | Dave Stewart | Charles Stewart Parnell | Stewart Lee | Stewart Granger | Patrick Stewart | Stewart Brand | William Parker | Parker | Sean Parker | Parker Posey | William Parker (musician) | Tony Stewart | Kristen Stewart | John Stewart | Jackie Stewart | Graham Parker | Maceo Parker | Amii Stewart | Al Stewart | Rory Stewart |
He was awarded a place at the Stewart Parker Trust residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, in 2008 and completed The Abbey Theatre's playwright programme in 2009/2010.