
unusual facts about Stigmata

Holy Cornholio

A group of cultists in the hospital notice that Cornholio speaks in tongues and a hole in each of his hands and mistakes them for Stigmatas, thinking he is the new messiah.

Come Back My Children

Come Back My Children is a compilation album by Fatima Mansions consisting of all eight tracks from Against Nature, along with other early singles and B-sides and covers of "Stigmata" by Ministry and "Lady Godiva's Operation" by The Velvet Underground.

John Whynot

He has also recorded and mixed many notable film scores, including Last of the Mohicans, which won an academy award for sound in 1993, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Ronin and Stigmata.

Morel's ear

Named after Bénédict Morel, a French psychiatrist who regarded it as one of the hereditary "stigmata of degeneration" that allowed medical professions to identify the mentally ill.

Mount Alvernia

Originally named "Como Hill", it was renamed Mount Alvernia after La Verna, the hill in Tuscany where St. Francis of Assisi received the Wounds of the Cross.

Pag Triangle

Croatian ufologists have linked the existence of the triangle to a series of UFO sightings in late 20th century over the island of Pag, while some perceive the triangle as a sign of Holy Trinity, sometimes associated with Catholic priest Zlatko Sudac receiving his stigmata during a conversation about the triangle.

Stigmata High-Five

Stigmata-High Five is the seventh full-length album by the Canadian grindcore band Fuck the Facts released August 20, 2006 (see 2006 in music).

Visions of Jesus and Mary

She was bedridden as of 1813 and is said to have had visible stigmata which would reopen on Good Friday.

see also