
2 unusual facts about Stolin

Horyn River

Cities and towns located on the river are: (UKR): Iziaslav, Slavuta, Netishyn, Ostroh, Dubrovytsia, and (BEL): Rechytsa, Stolin.


Stolin grew up at the heart of the Polesia region on the river Haryn, at the crossroads of two important routes, one leading northwards to Pinsk, two others eastwards to Davyd-Haradok and TuraĆ­, that are now in Belarus, southwards to Sarny and Kiev, that are now in Ukraine.


Stolin |


The gold and blue striped garments Yerushalmi Haredim such as Toldos Aharon, Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok, Dushinsky, Neturei Karta, Shomer Emunim, Pinsk-Karlin, Karlin-Stolin, and many but not all in Breslov, as well as other non-affiliated Yerushalmi Haredim such as the Perushim are called Kaftans.

see also