
unusual facts about Stonemason


Alceo Dossena

He was a talented stonemason and sculptor who was skilled at duplicating classical Greek, Roman, medieval, and Renaissance artistic styles and such artists as Giovanni Pisano, Simone Martini and Donatello.

Ambrosius Petruzzy

In October 1644, the Viennese lodge announced that master stonemason Giacomo Provino (Jacopo Provin) from the Spital am Pyhrn monastery requested sending his son Andreas Provin for the next three years as an apprentice to master stonemason Ambrosius Petruzzy, citizen of Vienna.

Canyonside School

The lava rock building was constructed by stonemason H.T. Pugh in 1920; it was one of four stone rural schools built by Pugh.


Masons' marks on the stonework indicate that it was built by Greeks, probably from Marseille.

David Lenox

David Lennox (1788-1873), Scottish-Australian bridge-builder and master stonemason

Davina McCall

With the help of historians Jean-Marc Berliere and Simon Kitson, McCall learned that she is the great-granddaughter of onetime Prefect of Police Célestin Hennion (1862–1915), and the great great great-granddaughter, on her father's side, of James Thomas Bedborough (1787–1860), a stonemason, councillor, Mayor, property developer and entrepreneur, who worked on Windsor Castle and Upton Park in Slough.

Death of Jill Meagher

A stonemason placed an engraved 50 kilogram granite slab and memorial plaque at the Black Hill Road, Gisborne South site where Meagher's body was found.

Dog on the Tuckerbox

The dog section of the monument was cast in bronze by 'Oliver's Foundry' Sydney and its base sculpted by Gundagai stonemason Frank Rusconi.

Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna

Donald MacDonald known as Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna (Red Donald of Coruna) (9 July 1887 Claddach Baleshare, North Uist, Scotland - 13 August 1967, Lochmaddy, Scotland) was a North Uist stonemason, a veteran of the First World War, and a legendary war poet in the Scottish Gaelic language.


Material now known under Efraasia first came to light after Albert Burrer, Hofsteinmetzmeister ("Court master stonemason") at Maulbronn, in 1902 began to exploit the Weiße Steinbruch, a quarry near Pfaffenhofen in Württemberg.

Elias of Dereham

Elias of Dereham (died 1246) was a master stonemason designer, closely associated with Bishop Jocelin of Wells.

Falls City School House

The Falls City School House is a building located in Jerome, Idaho that was built by stonemason H.T. Pugh in 1919.

Jack Oughton

Bill Darrah, a contemporary stonemason, also in Lincoln County

Jacques Aymar-Vernay

Jacques Aymar-Vernay (born in 1662) was a stonemason from the village of Saint Marcellin in Dauphiné, France, who reintroduced dowsing with a divining rod into popular usage in Europe.

Jerome Cooperative Creamery

They were built by master stonemason H.T. Pugh who popularized the use of lava rock in the Jerome area.

Lochlainn McKenna

His father was a stonemason, his mother was mid-completing a degree in Psychology when Lochlainn was born.

Makar of Pécs

The architecture of the altar dedicated to the Holy Cross in the cathedral has clear analogies in the contemporary architecture in Milan, Parma and Padova, while suggests the presence of stonemasons from Lombardy.

Matthew Noble

Noble was born in Hackness, near Scarborough, as the son of a stonemason, and served his apprenticeship under his father.

Myers School

The Myers School near Shoshone, Idaho, United States, was built in 1910 by sheep rancher and stonemason Bill Darrah.

Outline of San Marino

San Marino claims to be the oldest constitutional republic in the world, founded on 3 September 301, by Marinus of Rab, a Christian stonemason fleeing the religious persecution of Roman Emperor Diocletian.

Peter Dodds McCormick

He began his involvement with Sydney's St Stephen's Church as a stonemason, working on the now demolished Phillip Street Church (where Martin Place now stands).

Pietro Francesco Carlone

In 1631 Carlone was resident in Röthelstein, where in 1650 he was described as a master stonemason.

Saint Mission Church Plavecký Štvrtok

It was created by a stonemason - sculptor Weinberger from Stupava in 1932.

Sopwell House

Though mention of buildings on the site goes back to 1604, it was not developed as a country house until the master mason Edward Strong built his home here in the 18th century.

Sugarloaf School

It was built in 1924 by master stonemason H.T. Pugh who popularized the use of lava rock in the Jerome area.

The Stone Book Quartet

When she asks for a book, he shows her an older writing – his own stonemason's emblem carved in rock deep within Alderley Edge and dating back countless centuries.

see also