
unusual facts about Straits of Gibraltar

2d Antisubmarine Squadron

Deployed again to Port Lyautey in French Morocco in March 1943 to shore up scanty Allied antisubmarine defenses in the Atlantic approaches to the Straits of Gibraltar as part of 2037th Antisubmarine Wing (Provisional) under the operational control of the United States Navy (USN) Fleet Air Wing 15 (FAW-15), which answered to the commander of the Moroccan Sea Frontier.

Freedom of navigation

Throughout the years U.S. forces have been performing "Freedom of Navigation" operations in the Straits of Gibraltar, Strait of Hormuz, Straits of Malacca, the Indonesian Archipelago, the Black Sea, and occasionally the Canadian Arctic.

Mihir Sen

In August 24, he crossed the Straits of Gibraltar in eight hours and one minute, and a month later, became the world's first man to swim across the Dardanelles in 13 hours and 55 minutes.

see also