Since then, stupidity has taken place along with "fool," "idiot," "dumb," "moron," and related concepts as a pejorative appellation for human misdeeds, whether purposeful or accidental, due to absence of mental capacity.
His films include Stupidity (2003), Escape to Canada (2005), Let's All Hate Toronto (2007), and Laughology (2009).
In Internet slang it may be used as a placeholder expression (dialog may be expressed as "you just got derped") or a response to a question, signifying stupidity.
Astronuts - Comedy slapstick running in similar veins to Basil Brush about a family in 5050, who, after their father's stupidity in moving planet, find themselves lost in space.
In the context of The Dunciad, Moore stands not just for the generally degraded fop, nor for the imprudent heir of a fortune, but for the avarice and stupidity of book sellers (exemplified by Edmund Curll) who would publish anything at all, regardless of value, if it looked like it would sell.
Translation: "Roman ("uualha") people are stupid, Bavarians are smart; there is little smartness in the Romans; they have more stupidity than smartness."
Cooperating with the pianist Gabor Lenđel and studio musicians, Šobić released two albums Ožiljak (The Scar) (Diskoton, 1981) and Umjesto gluposti (Instead of Stupidity) (Diskoton, 1982).
It was given as an example of ignorance, stupidity and superstition, contrasting with the enlightenment ideas.
Their lyrics take a strong inspiration from surrealist literature and art from the early 20th century; "We Could Walk Together" quotes a line ("like a silver ring thrown into the flood of my heart") from a 1928 poem by French surrealist Joë Bousquet; in its final two verses, the song "What Goes Up" quotes the poem "Stupidity Street" by Ralph Hodgson in its entirety.
The Dilbert Future (1997) is a book published by Scott Adams as a satire of humanity that breaks the net motivations of humanity down into stupidity, selfishness, and "horniness", and presents various ideas for profiting from human nature.
They generally take on simple detective work (domestic disputes etc.) but often find themselves in trouble (mostly through their own stupidity and poor circumstances) and have Detective Sergeant Blair (Peter Hosking) or Pat (Debra Lawrance) cleaning up after them.
Among the 8th-century murals in Panjakent, in the western Sugdh province of Tajikistan, there is a panel from room 1, sector 21, representing a series of scenes moving from right to left where it is possible to recognize the same person first in the act of checking a golden egg and later killing the animal in order to get more eggs, only to understand the stupidity of his idea at the very end of the sequence.
Despite tepid reception among some, there were also many who admired Astley's writing for both its style and for the subject matter, such as writer Kerryn Goldsworthy, who was quoted as saying, "I love its densely woven grammar, its ingrained humour, its uncompromising politics, and its undimmed outrage at human folly, stupidity and greed".