
unusual facts about Sultans

1993 amendments to the Constitution of Malaysia

The proposed amendments also came with the rule to allow commoners to criticise the Sultans, even the Yang di-Pertuan Agong without fear of the Sedition Act, with the exception of questioning the legitimacy of the monarchy of Malaysia.

Balyan family

Krikor died in 1831 after serving the empire during the reigns of four sultans, Abdul Hamid I (1774–1787), Selim III (1789–1807), Mustafa IV (1807–1808)), and Mahmud II (1808–1839).

Coworth House

One might add to this every member of the army regardless of rank the numerous independent merchants living in the three British Presidencies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay – and the whole array of native Indian rulers ranging from Moslem sultans and Hindu rajas, to hordes of freebooters scouring the villages.

East Sumatra revolution

Several factors have been attributed to the outbreak of violence: the widespread belief that the sultans collaborated with Dutch colonial forces; resentment of the aristocratic class, and tension between ethnic and non-ethnic Malays.

Étienne Marc Quatremère

Quatremère edited and translated part of Al-Maqrizi's, (1364–1442), Arabic History of the Mameluke Sultans (2 vols., 1837–41), "not because he had all that much interest in the history of Mamluk Egypt, but rather because he was fascinated by the vocabulary of fifteenth-century Arabic and particularly in those lexicographic nuggets that had not been defined in the standard of Arabic dictionaries".

Fort Pilar

In 1635, upon the requests of the Jesuit missionaries and Bishop Fray Pedro of Cebu, the Spanish governor of the Philippines Juan Cerezo de Salamanca (1633–1635) approved the building of a stone fort in defense against pirates and raiders of the sultans of Mindanao and Jolo.


The bridge was kept well by Ottoman Sultans as the bridge is strategically located on the Silk Road.

Goripalayam Mosque

Hazrat Kazi Syed Tajuddin Radiyallah, the founder of Kazimar Big Mosque and who lived in Kazimar Street was government Kazi (Islamic legal advisor and jury) to the Sultans.

History of Ahmednagar

On September 22, 1422, Ahmad Shah Wali succeeded Firoz Shah and, having reduced Vijayanagar and Warangal, turned his attention towards the Sultans of Malva and Gujarat, who were getting troublesome.


Sa'd al-Din Köpek (died 1240), court administrator under Seljuq Sultans of Rum

Kösem Sultan

Freely, John (1999), Inside the Seraglio: Private Lives of the Sultans in Istanbul


The Madurai kingdom had enemies all-around; the Marathas, Mysore army, Mughal army with the Deccan Sultans and frequent interludes by the Thanjavur kingdom.

Mongol invasions of India

The Khilji tribe usurped power from the older Delhi Sultans and began to rapidly project their power into other parts of India.


In Babur's time this tract was held by the Khakha and Bambha tribes, whose chiefs had been the ancient rulers of the country east of the Indus but had been driven out by the Gibari or Jahangiri Sultans of Bajawar and Swat.

Piva Monastery

Its founder, the Serbian Metropolitan of Herzegovina, later the Serbian Patriarch, Savatije Sokolović, was a kinsman of the Grand Vizier, Mehmed Pasha Sokolović (also known as Sokollu Mehmed Pasha), who was kidnapped from his Serbian home as a boy and rose to become one of the most renowned statesmen to three sultans -- Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim I and Murad III.

Raja Chulan

Having obtained his education from the Malacca High School and the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, he joined with the British, as well as with the Sultans of Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang to form a federation, dubbed the Federated Malay States, on July 1, 1896, the nucleus around which the present-day Malaysia was eventually created.

Rajshahi Rangers

In Sultans of Sylhet it is bowler Suhrawadi Shuvo who has been on the Bangladesh national team once against England.

Sali Noyan

Large-scale Mongol invasions of India ceased and the Delhi Sultans used the respite to recover the frontier towns like Multan, Uch, and Lahore, and to punish the local Ranas and Rais who had joined hands with either the Khwarazim or the Mongol invaders.

Saray, Tekirdağ

In the 18th century when the Crimean Khanate fell to the Russians, the Giray family of the ruling Khans, descendants of Genghis Khan himself, were settled here by the Ottoman sultans.

Sultans of Sylhet

In Sultans of Sylhet it is bowler Nazmul Hossain who has been on the Bangladesh national team when they beat world number one Australia.

Tun Sri Lanang

In 1612, at the request of Raja Abdullah to pen the Malay Annals to ensure " ... all the adat, the rules and the ceremonies of the Malay Sultans and Rajas to be heard by our descendants and is made known all utterances so that it may benefit them".

see also