
unusual facts about Superhuman

Fingerprints of the Gods

The book pivots on "fingerprints" of these civilizations, evidence of which Hancock finds in the descriptions of Godmen like Osiris, Thoth, Quetzalcoatl, and Viracocha.

Ball and Biscuit

The Seventh Son is an American folk legend reporting that the seventh son of a seventh son would be granted supernatural powers, which the character of the song claims to possess in the form of superhuman strength.

Charlie Weiderman

Superhuman speed and stamina derived Vibranium skinsuit, which grants superhuman speed and strength.


It deals with Doctor Doom's covert overthrow of the royal family of Wakanda and the following clash with various members of the superhuman community.

Fighting Yank

Bruce Carter III obtained his superhuman powers when the ghost of his ancestor Bruce Carter I, a hero from the American War of Independence, appeared to him and showed him the location of a magical cloak that could give the wearer invulnerability and super strength.

Great Army of the Ant-Men

So far the Ant Queen and Carpenter ant are the most powerful of them all and it's possible if the Ant Queen is impregnated by a superhuman mutant, she will conceive a new generation of hybrid ant-men with their male progenitor's abilities.

Green Lama

Dumont was also endowed with superhuman powers acquired through his scientific knowledge of radioactive salts.

I, Frankenstein

Aaron Eckhart as Adam Frankenstein/Frankenstein's monster, a superhuman being created from science using various parts of corpses and electricity

Kaneko Ietada

After he flinched back, Ietada cut off the head of Shiro and raising it stuck on his sword point shouted: "In the presence of Minamoto Tametomo of Tsukushi, famed these days as a superhuman, Ietada has killed Takama Shiro and his brother".

Legend of the Demigods

Wong Tai Sin, a wish-granting god, takes pity on Shek and grants him superhuman strength.

Lethal Legion

The group consisted of Axe of Violence (a demonically-enhanced version of Lizzie Borden with an axe replacing one hand), Coldsteel (a demonically-enhanced version of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin now an 8 ft. giant with superhuman strength), Cyana (a demonically-enhanced version of Lucrezia Borgia with poisoned claws), and Zyklon (a demonically-enhanced version of Nazi official Heinrich Himmler who can belch deadly gas fumes from his mouth).

Margaret Power

The four Power children managed to escape before being captured and were given superhuman powers by a Kymellian scientist named Aelfyre Whitemane, enabling them to save their parents.

Miriam Sharpe

In the weeks following the Stamford disaster she managed to create a support base that would gather hundreds to march on the White House, influence super-humans and eventually convince congress and the president to pass the superhuman registration act.

Mister Bones

At some point after Infinity, Inc. disbanded, Mr. Bones became Director of a local branch of the U.S. Department of Extranormal Operations (D.E.O.), and as a D.E.O., Director Bones has had numerous interactions with the operations of the superhuman community.

Nebula Maker

Probably written around 1932-33 (when Stapledon was working on Odd John, his tale of a superhuman youth), the book is essentially a first draft of the author's 1937 opus Star Maker, though there are many marked differences to the later, more polished work.

No Need for Bushido

The way he "sees" is somewhat like the way Uonuma Usui, from Rurouni Kenshin, and Daredevil "see" by using superhuman hearing to form a picture in his head, similar to sonar.

Odd John

Later explorations of the theme of the superhuman and of the incompatibility of the normal with the supernormal occurs in the works of Stanisław Lem, Frank Herbert, Wilmar Shiras, Robert Heinlein and Vernor Vinge, among others.


Towards the end of the 3rd and during the 4th century, as a result of the orientalizing of the Imperial court by Diocletian, it became customary to celebrate as a matter of course the superhuman virtues and achievements of the reigning emperor, in a formally staged literary event.

People's Defense Force

They operate as the People's Defense Force out of the Bratislava Prison Superhuman Research Complex in the latter days of European communism.

Peter Petrelli

Simone shows Peter a photograph of the painting which sends Peter to the high school in Odessa, Texas where he meets Claire Bennet, the cheerleader with superhuman regenerative abilities.

Powerhouse Pepper

A dim-witted but big-hearted boxer with superhuman strength who appeared in slapstick adventures, he was created and produced exclusively by cartoonist Basil Wolverton, and first appeared in the humor anthology Joker Comics #1 (April 1942).

Rainbows End

At the same time, Robert and his granddaughter Miri are drawn into a complex plot involving a traitorous intelligence officer, an intellect of frightening (and possibly superhuman) competence hiding behind an avatar of an anthropomorphic rabbit, and ominous new mind control technology with profound implications.

Red Panzer

During the recent events chronicled in Infinite Crisis, Red Panzer was one of many superhuman criminals who joined the villainous Society organized by Alexander Luthor, Jr. Red Panzer is sent, along with other villains, on a murderous rampage throughout Gotham City, as seen Gotham Central #37 (2005).


His strength is superhuman enough that he is capable of wielding a heavy barbell as easy as a bo-staff and slam the Thing of the Fantastic Four through a window of the Baxter Building.

Skrullian Skymaster

Skymax possesses superhuman abilities similar to the Super-Skrull from Earth-616 and also possesses the Skrull's innate racial ability to shape-shift.

Spider-Man: With Great Power

Tony Harris explained that With Great Power takes place in between the two panels in which Amazing Fantasy writer Stan Lee's narration mentions the coming weeks and months that passed, during which Spider-Man used his superhuman abilities to become a celebrity.


Stallior has superhuman powers as a result of his genetically superior Inhuman physiology enhanced and mutated by the Terrigen Mist.

Superhuman strength

Superhuman strength is used by several characters in fantasy and science fiction, with a variety of proposed mechanisms such as cyborg body parts or genetic modification and even telekinetic fields in science fiction, or divine or magical/supernatural sources in fantasy.

The GM Effect

For example the other memory, a concept Herbert based on the idea of a genetic memory and Jung's collective unconscious, is in "The GM Effect" discovered by Dr. Valeric Sabantoce and accessed by both males and females by a simple use of a drug compound, while in the Dune Universe spice, as a drug, would come to dominate the future of mankind for both its ability to prolong life and to grant superhuman abilities.

Thor Girl

In return, the Grey Gargoyle undertakes a lawsuit with the assistance of Mallory Book at the Superhuman Law Offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway.

see also