
unusual facts about Superhuman strength

Superhuman strength

Superhuman strength is used by several characters in fantasy and science fiction, with a variety of proposed mechanisms such as cyborg body parts or genetic modification and even telekinetic fields in science fiction, or divine or magical/supernatural sources in fantasy.

see also

Ball and Biscuit

The Seventh Son is an American folk legend reporting that the seventh son of a seventh son would be granted supernatural powers, which the character of the song claims to possess in the form of superhuman strength.

Legend of the Demigods

Wong Tai Sin, a wish-granting god, takes pity on Shek and grants him superhuman strength.

Lethal Legion

The group consisted of Axe of Violence (a demonically-enhanced version of Lizzie Borden with an axe replacing one hand), Coldsteel (a demonically-enhanced version of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin now an 8 ft. giant with superhuman strength), Cyana (a demonically-enhanced version of Lucrezia Borgia with poisoned claws), and Zyklon (a demonically-enhanced version of Nazi official Heinrich Himmler who can belch deadly gas fumes from his mouth).

Powerhouse Pepper

A dim-witted but big-hearted boxer with superhuman strength who appeared in slapstick adventures, he was created and produced exclusively by cartoonist Basil Wolverton, and first appeared in the humor anthology Joker Comics #1 (April 1942).