
unusual facts about Supreme Court of Ghana

Ebenezer Sekyi-Hughes

Ebenezer Sekyi-Hughes was admitted to the Ghana Bar as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ghana in 1966.

Edward Akufo-Addo

After independence (1962–1964), Akufo-Addo was a Supreme Court Judge (One of three Judges who sat on Treason trial involving Tawia Adamafio, Ako Adjei and three others after the Kulungugu bomb attack on President Kwame Nkrumah and for doing so was dismissed with fellow judges for finding some of the accused not guilty.

Rajiv Gandhi National Cyber Law Center

The library has received wide acclaim and recommendation from legal luminaries and experts like Justice G. K. Acquah, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana, Justice V. S. Malimath, Justice Madan Lokur and Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon.

see also