
unusual facts about Supreme Federal Court

Abortion in Brazil

In a 2008 case, however, the Supreme Federal Court ruled, by a 6-5 vote, that the right to life applies only to intrauterine embryos, and that frozen embryos not eligible to a uterus transfer do not hold fundamental rights and may be manipulated for research purposes.

Judiciary of Brazil

The system is still composed by two special central Courts that do not fit any of the mentioned ramifications of the Judiciary: The Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Court of Justice.

TV Câmara

On March 2009, Chamber President Michel Temer, at the request of Renato Parente, head of the Supreme Federal Court's press service, ordered the removal from TV Câmara's website of a debate in which CartaCapital journalist Leandro Fortes criticized Gilmar Mendes' tenure as Court President.

see also