Independent member to the Audit and Risk Committee - Ageing, Disability and Home Care Department of Human Services NSW - Juvenile Justice 2010 – 2010 with a budget of $2.35B having financial, analytical and risk management skills and an understanding of the political imperatives of ensuring open communication with the public and media are part of this role.
Susan Sarandon | Susan Sontag | Susan B. Anthony | Susan G. Komen for the Cure | Susan Tedeschi | Susan Collins | Susan Ashton | Susan Roces | Susan Glaspell | Susan Stroman | Susan Kare | Susan Hayward | Susan Haack | Susan Sheridan | Susan Lucci | Susan Werner | Susan Sullivan | Susan Oliver | Susan Love | Susan Dey | Susan Cooper | Susan Blackwell | Susan Reynolds | Susan Raye | Susan P. Crawford | Susan Maughan | Susan Ivanova | Susan Hill | Susan Estrich | Susan Crowe |