
2 unusual facts about Suspiria de Profundis

Suspiria de Profundis

First published in fragmentary form in 1845, the work is a collection of short essays in psychological fantasy — what De Quincey himself called "impassioned prose," and what is now termed prose poetry.

He altered its content and added material when he included it in his collected works (1854 and after); and portions of the whole were not published until the first volume of his Posthumous Works in 1891.

see also

Luxembourg Sinfonietta

2002: First prize: Ittetsu Shimizu (Japan), "Suspiria de Profundis"; second prize: Carsten Hennig (Germany), "Ausflug nach Sing-Sing"; third prize: Stéphane Altier (France), "Treize Fragments de la Danse".