
unusual facts about Swallowing


Alex Zander Morrow

He swallowed his first sword at the 2003 Sword Swallowers Convention in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania before an audience of his peers and international media, only four hours after swallowing his first coat hanger as practice.

Baby-led weaning

Initial self-feeding attempts often result in very little food ingested as the baby explores textures and tastes through play, but the baby will soon start to swallow and digest what is offered.

Deborah Levy

Her work has been staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company and she is the author of highly praised novels including Beautiful Mutants, Swallowing Geography, and Billy and Girl.


Rabies, especially a set of symptoms of the later stages of an infection, in which the victim has difficulty swallowing, shows panic when presented with liquids to drink, and can't quench its thirst.


Surgery (thyroidectomy to remove the whole thyroid or a part of it) is not extensively used because most common forms of hyperthyroidism are quite effectively treated by the radioactive iodine method, and because there is a risk of also removing the parathyroid glands, and of cutting the recurrent laryngeal nerve, making swallowing difficult, and even simply generalized staphylococcal infection as with any major surgery.

Kirkdale, North Yorkshire

Corallian Limestone which outcrops on the hills surrounding the Vale of Pickering runs across the region, and this appears as an aquifer in Kirkdale swallowing most of the water from Hodge Beck, which reappears further downstream.

Nahar Singh of Bharatpur

Later, He fled to Jaipur and from there to Shahpura where he died by suicide (swallowing poison), 6th December 1766.

Oropharyngeal dysphagia

Pharyngeal pouches typically cause difficulty in swallowing after the first mouthful of food, with regurgitation of the pouch contents.


Phylliroe has been seen approaching a swarm of the larvacean Oikopleura albicans from below, grabbing a specimen with its paired denticulate jaws and swallowing it in half a minute.

Red Knot

The bivalved mollusc Macoma is their preferred prey on European coasts, swallowing them whole and breaking them up in their gizzard.

Swallowing Shit

Swallowing Shit was formed in 1994 by vocalist Mike Alexander with guitarist Mike Koop of The Bonaduces, drummer Steve Dueck of The Undecided and, for one show only, bassist Dave Daley.

Thickening agent

Thickening agents can also be used when medical condition such as Dysphagia cause individuals difficulty when swallowing.

see also